This Fluffy Chow Chow Looks Exactly Like A Scoop Of Cookies And Cream Ice Cream


Are you ready to meet the most adorable and irresistible Chow-Chow puppy on the internet? 

Get ready to fall head over paws for Chief, also known as Oreo Cloud, the fluffiest and sweetest pup you’ll ever lay your eyes on. 

With a coat that resembles the iconic cookies and cream ice cream, Chief has captured the hearts of dog lovers worldwide and has become a viral sensation overnight. 

But don’t be fooled by his stunning good looks, there’s more to Chief than just his coat. 

Oreo’s Journey To Fame

a Chow-Chow puppy is standing on the laminate floor and looking at the camera
Source: facebook 

It all started when his mom, Sara Hamilton, shared some pictures of him on the Dogspotting Society Facebook group. And that’s when people went bananas for this little fluff!

With his unique “cookies and cream” coat, Oreo quickly became known as Oreo Cloud, and his Instagram account blew up with followers. As of today, his Instagram account boasts an impressive 71.3K followers – that’s a lot of people who can’t get enough of this adorable pup!

But it wasn’t just his looks that made him a star – this pup has got personality for days! He’s always up for a snuggle with his toys, and he loves to give his parents lots of love and kisses.

As Oreo’s fame grew, he even made appearances in various media outlets, including Bored Panda and Daily Paws. And it’s no wonder why – this little guy is just too cute for words! 

A Little Bit About Oreo Cloud’s Breed

the Chow-Chow puppy sits on the laminate floor with his paw raised
Source: @theoreocloud

When Sara Hamilton and her family first laid eyes on their fluffy bundle of joy, they couldn’t believe how cute he was. 

Chief is a Chow-Chow puppy with a unique mottled coat. His white fur and dark gray patches grab all the attention wherever he goes! 

These puppies are known for their lion-like appearance and unique personality traits. 

Chow-Chows are known for being independent, intelligent, and fiercely loyal to their families. They can be trained to perform a variety of tasks, including therapy work, which Chief is on his way to achieving.

They are also a medium-to-large breed that can weigh up to 85 pounds when fully grown.

That’s why Sara and her family decided to name their new fluffy pup Chief – it was a name that matched his size and strong personality. 

“We named him Chief because he will grow to be around 85 pounds and also because he is most definitely a leader, not a follower,” Sara explained. 

“He came to us fully potty-trained at 8 weeks and is very well-behaved, he learns quickly!”

What Chief Is Really Like

family takes a picture with their Chow Chow for the holidays
Source: @theoreocloud

As Chief settled into his new home, he quickly became an integral part of the family. 

When it comes to personality, Chief is a unique and lovable pup. Watermelon is his jam, and if you ever want to see him sprint, just mention the magic word and watch him come running. 

His favorite toy is a raccoon squeaky toy, and he treats it like royalty along with all his other toys. Unlike other dogs, Chief is a neat freak when it comes to his toys, which his humans find pretty amusing. 

Chow Chow is playing with his toys
Source: @theoreocloud 

His owners describe him as smart, affectionate, and very protective. In fact, Chief loves to sleep by the main door every night, making sure that his family is safe and sound.

Since the pandemic hit, Chief and his family have moved to Lake Tahoe, and boy, does he love it! 

Nothing makes him happier than running around and jumping into the crystal clear lake waters. He attracts a crowd of admirers who can’t help but laugh at his water shenanigans.

Chow Chow enjoys boating with his owner
Source: @theoreocloud

If there’s one thing we can say about Chief, it’s that he’s a dog who knows how to have fun!

We can’t wait to see what the future holds for this fluffy Chow-Chow, and we’re sure his fans can’t either! 

So if you’re looking for some daily dose of cuteness and positivity, head over to Chief’s Instagram page and join the followers who have fallen in love with the one and only – Oreo Cloud.
