Hopeless Dog Mommy And Her Pup Given A Fresh Start


“Kindness is a rare and precious gem in a world that often feels cold and distant.”

I once heard this saying, and with each new day, I feel like it’s becoming more and more true. 

Kindness is truly rare, and those who need it the most often don’t get it at all. The best thing a man could do is help someone who desperately needs help. And, when that someone in need is a hopeless animal, the kind deed even gets an increased value.

Dog rescuers and animal lovers know best how it feels to be responsible for rescuing a hopeless soul. 

Well, the rescuers from Howl Of A Dog saved two lost souls, and I bet the feeling is incredible!

A Parking Lot Is Not A Home, But They Didn’t Know Things Could Become Better…

dog mummy and her pup lying on concrete floor
Source: Howl Of A Dog

A parking lot is not a place to live in. It’s dangerous, there’s no shelter, no food, and no helping hands. Everyone who passed one parking lot with two dogs on it simply ignored the four-legged residents. Everything seemed more important than paying attention to two dogs in need.

If it wasn’t for Howl of a Dog, a non-profit rescue organization from Romania, God only knows what would have happened to those dogs. I can only assume the worst.

When the rescuers arrived at the parking lot, they were expecting two scared dogs, unsure whether to approach the hoomans or not. But, the situation was completely different and it really blew their minds!

The doggy mommy was lying on the ground, completely still, and it looked like she embraced her destiny. She accepted that the parking lot was their destiny.

black dog lying on the ground and playing with her toy
Source: Howl Of A Dog

Little did she know, destiny can be changed if someone intervenes with their fingers.

The mommy, named Nora, and her pup, Eva, were rushed back to the animal hospital. It turned out that both dogs were actually healthy! Considering their living arrangement, it’s a miracle that both Nora and Eva were fine. 

Nora had her spay surgery and was quickly back on her feet. 

woman cuddling black dog on a leash
Source: Howl Of A Dog

All that was left to do was find them a furever home and prove that a home is a cozy place, not concrete ground.

And, the furever home soon called! Nora and Eva got a fresh start with a loving family and they couldn’t be happier! 

three dogs playing outdoors
Source: Howl Of A Dog

It didn’t take long for the once hopeless doggos to find their happiness again. 

Howl of a Dog rescues dogs all the time. Some cases are too difficult to handle, while others have much luck, after all… just like Nora and Eva. 

If you could support the organization with a small donation, that would mean the world to them! 

There are still dogs out there that need our help. 

Let’s pray that none of them any longer believes home is a cold, concrete ground. 
