Toddler Girl Saves A Senior Pitbull From The Shelter


There are no words to describe how children perceive the world. Becoming an adult takes a lot of the goodness out of us, but children are much more in touch with kindness than grown-ups.

Gigi, or as her mother calls her “G”, ventured with her mom to the local shelter to pick out a dog for herself. Out of all the potential candidates, Gigi knew exactly what she wanted. This little girl was on a mission to teach us all again the lesson of kindness.

Gigi’s mom, Audra, tried to pull her attention towards the other, healthier looking dogs, but the nameless oldie with multiple problems was Gigi’s dog of choice.

The two recognized each other as the perfect match from the moment Audra and G set foot into the shelter. The two-year-old kept coming back to this sick senior Pitbull, completely disregarding her mother’s suggestions.

senior pitbull inside the kennel
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A show of empathy for the sick Pittie’s situation behind the barred kennel doors sparked more and more interest from Gigi. She pointed at the unnamed pooch and kept saying:

Let the doggy out. Need help.

There was no compromising with G as she set her mind to going for a short stroll with the Pitbull. It was tough for the nameless shelter dog to go outside its enclosure. Gigi’s steady hand and lots of patience finally got the dog moving towards the grass.

As soon as they were out of the kennel area, the Pitbull realized this little girl was its saving grace. Hiding behind her, the dog slowly began to understand that there was hope for it. 

little girl walking pitbull
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There Was A Lot Wrong With The Pitbull, But Gigi Didn’t Care

No matter how intense the smell of the dog’s infected paws and how ugly the sight of its snotty nose were, little Gigi seemed to be completely fine with it.

The dog could hardly walk with pain in its feet. When the duo stepped onto the grass, the two-year-old managed to get the Pitbull running. It takes a special kind of human to make a hurting dog run.

Nameless and sick, but now getting a taste of the good life, the dog felt alive again. It followed Gigi wherever she went. They explored the dog house together, and the girl cleaned the pus oozing out of the Pitbull’s ears and eyes.

Gigi was thinking on her feet, so she used her blue dress to wipe it all away. Probably hurting, the dog didn’t move an inch. There was no fear or anxiety. It was trust at first sight.

little girl playing with pitbull
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Gigi repeatedly noticed that the dog was sick and that it should be treated. 

Doggy sick. Need help.

Since the dog had to be returned to the enclosure, Gigi and her mom went back inside. Once the kennel door was closed, and the Pitbull found itself back behind cage bars, Gigi stressed the importance of treating the dog by repeating the same words and adding a glimpse of her plan.

Doggy sick. Need help. Go home.

Since nobody was doing anything about this old, sickly Pitbull, G made it her task to take care of it. Her mom was moved to the point of disbelief at how considerately and kindly her daughter acted towards a dog she’d seen only a few minutes ago.

The Gigi And Scarlett Show

Nobody says no to Gigi, not even her mom. Naturally, they adopted the dog and finally gave it a name. Scarlett was now officially part of the Spurio family.

After weeks of treating the mange and infections, the Pitbull was back to her best, alongside her best friend, Gigi. They play together, ride in the car next to each other, share a lollipop, and even have the occasional dispute.

Every moment spent together is great, even if it means bathing. It’s good to be clean and shiny for that ladybug costume.

sweet little girl with pitbull
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