This is a grand story about love and friendship that will definitely pull at your heart strings.
For a lot of people, a dog is more than just a pet – it’s family. Although no one wants to experience their beloved dog getting sick, sadly, it still happens.
Your dogs’ sole purpose in life is to offer you companionship and unconditional love, so the only noble thing we can do is return the love when they need it the most.
Will you go to great lengths to ensure the well-being and happiness of your cherished pet?
This elderly man and his dog will show you what true love looks like.
An Elderly Man And His Beloved Dog

While spending some time outside in her city, a young woman named Sabrina La Grotteria noticed a heartwarming display of devotion.
She noticed an elderly gentleman taking his dog on walks around the neighborhood a couple of times a day.
However, this wasn’t your typical “walking a dog” situation.
The dog in question was a senior Labrador Retriever named Dylan, who couldn’t walk, so his caring owner came up with an innovative solution to still bring his pooch on uplifting walks.
Tonino Vitale, the dog’s owner, who was a senior citizen himself, built a makeshift cart to push his dog around the neighborhood.
Dylan, a 13-year-old Labrador Retriever, had lost his mobility due to bone cancer, but his loving owner didn’t give up on taking him out of the house for some daily walks.

Every single day, three or four times a day, Tonino gently placed Dylan on the cart, secured the harness and the leash, and proceeded to push his beautiful dog around the neighborhood.
Many people around the world were moved to tears by this heartwarming routine.
Thanks to Sabrina, who filmed it and posted it on her Facebook, saying, “This video contains only one word, ‘HUMANITY’. This man deserves an award.”
Take a look at the touching video she posted:
Pushing the cart up and down the streets couldn’t have been easy, but Tonino did it with a smile on his face.
He had only one purpose in mind, and that was making sure Dylan was happy and enjoying the little life he had left.
Love Knows No Bounds

When Tonino first started doing these daily walks, he immediately noticed a change in Dylan’s behavior – he was happier and more chipper.
The video quickly became viral, gaining the attention of many local news media and people all over the world.
“What I do isn’t extraordinary,” Tonino told one news media outlet. “The abnormal ones are those who use violence on animals.”
After the media uproar, Dylan and his owner, Tonino, received a visit from Alessandro Ortolan, who is known as the “wizard of carts”.
Alessandro designed a special support cart for Dylan to allow him to move more easily. It was such a special gift, and seeing Dylan walk with the help of his new cart made everyone cry.

Sadly, only two days after, Dylan passed away at his home.
“We loved you and you loved us unconditionally. We will miss you!!! Now, go and run through the prairies of paradise… one day, my dear friend, we will run together again,” Victor Vitale, Tonino’s son, wrote in an emotional goodbye to Dylan on his Facebook.
Dylan and Tonino became a symbol of love and friendship that is stronger than disease, reminding us of the power of kindness, compassion, and unconditional love.