This Deaf Pitbull Has A Travel Pillow As Her Best Friend


Sometimes, the most beautiful stories come from those who suffered the most, and Nali was definitely that kind of dog! When this Pittie was adopted by her first family, they soon abandoned her due to her deafness. 

She was a shelter dog for so long that she almost gave up on trusting hoomans. But then, Dharma, a shelter volunteer from Los Angeles, California, came by and Nali’s world soon changed.

Nali Was A Dog Nobody Wanted

white pittie lying on the bed
Source: @dharmas_dogs 

Dali’s journey was no picnic. This white Pittie’s deafness affected her overall well-being, causing her lack of trust in hoomans. 

She was a shelter dog for so long, but it’s as if she never truly adapted to people coming over to the shelter and looking for their ideal companion. In a way, she missed being a family dog very much.

white pittie leaning head on a pillow while lying on the bed
Source: @dharmas_dogs

When Dharma finally met Nali, she instantly knew that this girl had to go home with her. Even though everything started out as a fostering plan, Nali’s sweetness turned out to be the reason for Dharma to keep her as a furever companion.

Giant-Hearted Volunteer And Her Deaf Buddies

three dogs sitting on the bed
Source: @dharmas_dogs

Dharma Lorenz, a woman who volunteers in a local shelter in LA, California, dedicated her life to saving senior, deaf dogs who couldn’t find their forever home. When Nali first came into her new home, Amba was already there. 

Being a good big sister, Amba helped Nali adapt to new circumstances a lot! Nali would’ve always followed her around, looking for guidance.

The Story Around Nali’s Travel Pillow

pittie holding pillow in his mouth while sitting on the sofa
Source: @dharmas_dogs

Despite the fact that Dharma did everything to make Nali’s stay in her new home more comfortable, everything became so much easier when Nali found a simple travel pillow! One time, Dharma came home from a two-week trip, leaving her travel pillow on top of her suitcase.

When she wasn’t paying attention, Nali took it and carried it with her to the couch. She laid her head on it and fell asleep that way. From that moment on, her travel pillow became her best friend!

“When we adopted her, we got her all kinds of different toys and blankets, but what she really loved was my travel pillow. It seemed to make her feel safe in her new environment and we saw her come out of her shell. It was her best friend,” wrote Dharma on her Instagram.

white pittie playing with a pillow indoors
Source: Travelling Animal Doctors

She carried it everywhere with her! Even when she was eating, she’d put the pillow next to her until she was finished, and then she’d take it in her mouth again! 

In a way, this pillow made her alleviate her fears. She was so comfortable around it that she’d always whine a lot if she couldn’t find it. Thanks to her pillow, Nali became so much more comfortable and relaxed. It was her own, personal guardian and her safe space.

Shelter Buddies Solidarity

Recently, Dharma adopted another deaf Pittie from a shelter – Satchi! Even though Nali and Satchi share no DNA whatsoever, their story is almost identical! Satchi has also been in a shelter for a very long time… too scared of people and too traumatized to have a normal, shelter life.

Satchi’s previous owner dumped him at the shelter under the excuse that “he was too destructive.” However, when Dharma Lorenz brought him home, he didn’t exhibit any outbursts nor did he display any violent behavior. He was just a scared boy who needed love.

But then, the most amazing thing happened! Satchi, being a new family member, needed some help adapting, and it was as if Nali perfectly understood that! 

This beautiful girl offered Satchi her own travel pillow. She clearly understood that her new buddy now needed it more than she did!

“When we brought Satchi (who is also deaf) home, it was heart-melting to see how clearly Nali understood him and what he was going through. She seems to know that he needs “Pillow” more than she does now,” states Lorenz.

two dogs sleeping together on the bed
Source: Travelling Animal Doctors

Satchi and Nali formed a beautiful bond, perfectly understanding each other without hearing each other’s voice. It seems that, at last, you don’t need words, noise, or barking to have a happy life. All you need is a little bit of love and understanding from your hooman!

If I can leave you with one thought, it is to always adopt instead of shop. And, if you can help a disabled dog in need, please do so!

In Dharma’s words: “I hope that you won’t rule out senior dogs or dogs who are deaf like Nali and Satchi. They can change your life as much as you’ll change theirs.”
