100-Pound Deaf Dog Steps In As A Nanny To Rescued Beagle Puppies


Dogs consistently demonstrate selflessness that inspires and touches our hearts, whether it’s through their unwavering devotion to humans or their remarkable acts of kindness towards fellow animals. 

Many will agree with the saying that humans don’t deserve dogs, myself included. A dog puts others’ needs before its own, offering comfort and companionship without expecting anything in return.

You’ll rarely find a person who would do the same, but on the other hand, just help a dog once, and you’ll have a friend for your whole life. 

Let me introduce you to Jasmyne – a deaf Dogo Argentino girl from New York City whose selfless act of kindness touched many hearts. 

The Miracle Of Survival 

Beagle mom and her seven puppies
Source: facebook.com

In May 2022, a Beagle mom and her seven puppies, along with many other dogs, were rescued from a large-scale breeding facility. 

They all came from a major breeding facility whose exclusive purpose was to breed and then sell dogs for animal laboratory testing. 

It is well known that those facilities have very little regard for the health and well-being of dogs, so the fact that these 5-week-old puppies were rescued is simply kind of a miracle. 

A 2.5-year-old Beagle momma named Butter was most likely born in this facility and continuously used for breeding purposes, which could be seen from her decaying health. 

She was extremely underweight, helpless, and fearful of everyone, so when she arrived at the foster home, she needed time to decompress. 

She experienced lots of firsts – being in a house for the first time in her life, walking on grass for the first time ever, and even running freely for the first time, all while trying to take care of her babies. 

Cute mother dog
Source: facebook.com

“She couldn’t even look at me. There was an internal struggle that you could see happening between ‘Do I run after my babies? Where are they going?’, but also ‘They’re going over to that giant human’,” Elli Frank, Butter’s foster mom, told The Dodo. 

Elli is the founder of Mr. Bones & Co. animal shelter, so she also has other dogs at her foster puppy farm in New York’s Hudson Valley. 

Sensing that the new foster pups need some help, one of Elli’s dogs immediately stepped in, allowing momma to recover and decompress. 

Jasmyne’s motherly instincts immediately kicked in, and she selflessly took the role as a nanny. 

The Perfect Nanny To Tiny Beagle Puppies

Big dog and puppy
Source: facebook.com

“It was really great to see how gentle and nurturing Jasmyne was with such tiny little puppies,” Elli said.  

Jazzy, as Elli likes to call her, is a 100-pound Dogo Argentino dog who is also deaf, but with Butter’s puppies, she was always so gentle, just as if they were her babies. 

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“The babies loved her because she was this great big momma dog to them,” Elli said. Jazzy would simply lie down on the floor and let the babies crawl all over her. 

She always knew exactly where the puppies were, and every morning, she made sure that they were alright. 

She started the day with those puppies and she always ended the day with the puppies. While Jasmyne took care of them like a true momma, Elli had the opportunity to work with Butter.

big dog feeding puppies
Source: facebook.com

It took some time for Butter to get over her fear of people, quite understandably, considering what she had been through. 

“Our beautiful BUTTER, who was spayed earlier this week, will never again be used to birth #beagle puppies to be taken away as experimental test subjects,” Mr. Bones & Co. wrote in their Facebook post.   

Finally, A Happy Ending 

After spending some time at the foster puppy farm and going through their special program, Butter was finally able to trust humans again. 

She learned to play with toys and other dogs, run freely, take treats, and receive hugs and pets. 

Cute little dog with cute eyes
Source: facebook.com

Those were some big steps for Butter. She was finally learning how to be a dog. 

Thankfully, all of her babies were adopted into incredible and compassionate homes. According to Mr. Bones & Co., Butter was also shortly-after adopted into a wonderful home. 

What a beautiful ending! 

But, if it weren’t for Jasmyne and her remarkable empathy, none of this would have been possible. 

“It really seemed like Butter was grateful to Jasmyne for stepping in to help,” Elli said.   
