Woman Finds Three Puppies In The Middle Of The Road Waiting For Help


When we think of moments that can make us happy, it’s usually things like passing an exam, winning an award, or getting a brand new car. For some people, however, happiness comes in simpler moments.

For the woman in this video, joy came in the form of three happy puppies that were stuck on the road in the middle of nowhere.

A Playful Bunch

woman holding puppies
Source: youtube.com

It was a bleak, rainy day when the woman, Olena Pyanov, found them. They seemed to have been just left there in the storm by someone not too long ago.

The puppies seemed very happy and playful at first glance probably because they hadn’t yet realized that they had been abandoned. 

The woman felt horrible that the dogs were in this situation, so she decided to help them.

They were already wet and probably freezing in the cold weather, so she rushed them to a veterinarian for a checkup and treatment that they required.

New And Renewed Vigor

a girl playing with dogs
Source: youtube.com

The veterinarian established that all three puppies were male and were about three months old. One of them had a hernia, but other than that, they were mostly healthy. 

They received the proper medical care and were going to recover pretty quickly. Next on the list was feeding time.

Olina gave all the puppies a lot of food and the hungry dogs just devoured it all in a minute. Who knows how long it had been since they last ate.

Now full of energy, they were even more playful than usual and couldn’t sit still for a second. Polina spent time playing with them and they seemed to love her company more than anything.

They used up their energy, and before you knew it, it was bath time. While bathing the puppies, Polina took the opportunity to name all of them. They were named Wolly, Casper, and Jerry.

They soon started to make friends with other dogs at the place, and their other rescued dog, Stacy, became their new friend.

Exciting Photoshoot

happy woman with puppies
Source: youtube.com

When it was finally time, Polina did a photo session with the dogs, and all of them looked absolutely fabulous in the pictures.

Their photos were posted on social media, along with other information in hopes of finding their new happy family.

It wasn’t long before calls started coming through and all three dogs were adopted. Very soon, they moved in with their new families, and they now live a happy life.

If this short video proves anything, it’s how simple moments like this can not only make someone’s entire day, but also help out small and helpless puppies in finding a home.
