Minnesota’s Pawsome Duo Dialed 911 Sixteen Times After A “Ruff” Day


Lakeville 911 dispatchers have had a lot of prank calls in their career, but this one will definitely go down in history as the most pawsome one. 

Prank calling an emergency line is not something to joke about, but when your pranksters are two innocent-looking furry pooches, there is no way you can stay mad at them, right? 

Remy and Bomber are two dogs from Lakeville, Minnesota, that somehow managed to call 911 – not once, not twice, but 16 times!

It must have been a “ruff” day…

Mysterious 911 Calls 

photo of a phone
Source: FOX9

In February 2019, the Lakeville Police Department in Minnesota received multiple strange 911 calls. 

Every time the dispatcher answered, they were met with silence on the other end of the line, but in each call, barking could be heard. 

Lakeville Police Department’s officer Michelle Roberts, and her partner, Emily Bares were sent to the residence where the hang-up call occurred. 

They rang the doorbell and walked around the residence, but there seemed to be no one in the house. 

They were just about to clear the call when dispatch advised them that there have been multiple other calls from the residence – 16 in total in the span of 30 minutes. 

proof of calls to 911
Source: Lakeville Police

“In a couple of them, they heard dogs barking in the background, but no human voices at all,” officer Roberts told The Dodo. 

This whole situation was certainly very weird and the officers were concerned that there was someone at the residence who couldn’t move or answer, but kept calling for help. 

It was unimaginable to them that two canines would initiate a 911 call.

The Mischievous Dogs Had 911 On Speed-Dial

small and big dog sitting on the floor
Source: Fox9

Officer Roberts then found the phone number of the homeowner and managed to get in contact with him. 

They gained access to the house through the garage and made their way inside. As soon as they entered the house, they discovered two pups – Remy and Bomber. 

The hound mix and his Papillon companion displayed a high level of friendliness and merely desired to be petted. 

While walking around the house, officers found a phone upstairs that the owner had left at home before going to work. 

“It was on ‘emergency call only,’ so the dogs would have only had to hit the screen with their paw or their nose and that would have enabled them to call 911,” officer Roberts told The Dodo. 

The two dogs were having a “ruff” day and took the matter into their paws.

“Ruff day? Remy and Bomber sure aren’t talking!” the City of Lakeville, Minnesota – Police Department wrote on their Facebook.  

We’ll never know the reason behind their multiple 911 calls, and maybe it’s for the better. 

Dial ‘M’ For Mischief

The Mischievous Dogs
Source: FOX9

At first, no one believed that dogs were the ones calling the police 16 times, but there is no other explanation. 

Even the owner was baffled. 

“He didn’t believe it was the dogs at all until he heard the 911 tape with the dogs barking in the background, and you can tell they’re really close,” officer Roberts said. 

He even took the phone to get it checked, but there wasn’t anything wrong with it. 

His two rascals are just the pawsome pranksters – guilty as charged. 

As for the owner, he told Fox9 that he had “no idea that his dogs could make any kind of call, let alone to 911.” From now on, he’ll surely take his phone with him. 

“Any time we can laugh and talk about dogs calling 911. If that’s the biggest news of our day, that’s a good day,” officer Roberts told Fox9. 

Well, when you run out of treats, it sure does feel like an emergency… we all can agree with that. 
