Puppy Adopted Successfully After Previous Owner Threatened To Drown Him


Everyone wants a happy, healthy puppy. 

That’s a fact and there’s nothing wrong with that.

But, what if the same litter of puppies has both healthy and ill little ones?

Who would want the poor, ill pup? 

Rarely does anyone sacrifice enough to embrace the differences and adopt a dog with a condition.

Still, those dogs need love, too. Those dogs need a caring owner… someone who would make them feel comfortable in their own body. 

They need a home. 

They need to be understood. 

They don’t need an owner who threatens to drown them. They don’t need someone who doesn’t want them to live. 

Stuart, a poor little puppy, had its destiny in the hands of a bad, bad owner. He didn’t like the fact that Stuart was diagnosed with several conditions. He didn’t want a sick dog.

Thus, he decided to get rid of him the only way that was logical for him: by drowning the little pup. 

When Life Hits You Hard

cute white puppy
Source: YouTube

Not every puppy in the litter is the same. When Lucy and Stuart were born, Stuart got the short end of the stick. Destiny tossed him a really big curveball.

Lucy was a fine, happy little pup. She got adopted rather quickly. 

But, her brother was left on the margin. Stuart was an undesired pup. 

He was born blind, and with a spine condition that made him hop around like a bunny. 

Yes, Stuart was different, but in no means less special than his sister.

Still, his first owner didn’t see the real pup behind all those differences. His first owner only saw major trouble in poor little Stuart. 

The rejected pup did not end up with a broken spirit. Stuart was bouncy and happy from day one, although he didn’t have a tail to show off all his happiness. He was simply too glad to be alive.

After seeing a Facebook post offering Lucy and Stuart for adoption, and reading that Stuart would be drowned if no one came to pick him up, Dennise Mueller decided she had to save him. 

She was in no position to adopt a dog, but she gladly accepted the pup and went to pick him up as a foster mom.

This brave woman did such a generous thing and gave Stuart the best gift ever: a chance for a nice life.

So, What Happened Next?

puppy sleeping
Source: YouTube

As I said earlier, Dennise was only a foster pawrent for Stuart. She had no option to adopt him, but she did find an organization that turned out to be the best choice for Stuart.

The Last Call K-9 Rescue, a nonprofit organization from Rancho Cucamonga, California, took Stuart in and his recovery process started.

The vet said that Stuart probably had some neurological problems. Other than that, he was a good boy. Stuart was neutered and put up for adoption. 

The phones started going crazy at the Last Call K-9 Rescue. They got over 80 applications, all dying to adopt this little fella!

Maggie Marino was lucky enough to get Stuart as her new fur baby. He was officially adopted in January of 2016 and left the Rancho Cucamonga Last Call K-9 Rescue headquarters.

Stuart got a brand new chance to start his life with someone who didn’t see him as a different dog… someone who really appreciated him the way he was. And, all he was was a happy little pupper!

white dog starring
Source: Facebook

A while back, Kelly wrote to Last Call, giving them an update on Stuart. He was thriving! He was the goodest boi of them all, enjoying his life with Maggie and occasional strawberry cheesecake ice-cream treats.

Life couldn’t have ended up better for Stuart… a once written-off pup that was supposed to spend his final moments at the bottom of a river. 
