Rescuers Shocked By What They Found In A Crying Plastic Bag


One of the hardest things a little pup can do is be all alone in the world. That gets even harder when he gets injured. Unfortunately, the pup in today’s story went through both. 

With the world being filled with good people, soon, the fate of this pup was spun around and he became happier than ever.

Help Is On The Way

As soon as the local rescue team heard about a doggo in need, they packed their bags and set on their way. When they arrived on the scene, they heard crying coming from a bag on the pavement.

A little hurt pup was hiding inside, looking for shelter not just from the sun, but also from the world, unable to bear the pain he was going through. I can’t even imagine how scared he must have felt.

man opening up a plastic bag with a dog inside it
Source: Animal Aid Unlimited

When a rescuer tried to touch him, he was so terrified that he started crying. All he wanted to do was hide away from everyone.

Then, the rescuer decided to put some treats next to him in order to lure him out and establish trust. As soon as the doggo smelled some yummy treats, it was as if he forgot about all of the pain he was going through and went out to eat.

Imagine how hungry he was…

abandoned dog eating food in the street
Source: Animal Aid Unlimited

Watching this dog eat and seeing the condition he was in will make anyone’s heart break.

He was so skinny that his bones were showing and his lovely fur started to fall out because he was riddled with mange. One of his legs was also injured, so much so that he couldn’t even put the small weight of his body on it.

After he ate a bit and realized that the hoomans around were there to help, he started trusting them. He received some well-deserved pets and was then carefully picked up and brought to the shelter to be treated.

A Journey To Recovery

At the shelter, the vet discovered that he had a deep injury on his hip, which was the cause of his pain. The wound was disinfected and some ointment was rubbed on it. Luckily, the pup was bravely fighting through the pain, knowing that he was getting the help he deserved.

photo of the dog getting a shot
Source: Animal Aid Unlimited

He then got a nice medicated bath for his mange that led to the loss of his precious fur. This will soon become his new routine. Luckily, the type of mange this doggo has is curable with this treatment. 

A Brand-New Pup

This doggo was so brave that after only 6 weeks of treatment, he got so much better!

Not only did his leg heal, but his luxurious fur grew back, making him look like a brand-new dog! He found his new favorite pastime activity, which also gave him his name, Jumper! He is just so full of energy, jumping and playing with anyone who crosses his path.

woman hugging and kissing the dog
Source: Animal Aid Unlimited

Jumper adores his time spent at the shelter. He expresses his gratitude as much as he can, showering his saviors in kisses every time he sees them. He also patiently waits for his forever home as soon as he fully recovers.

Final Word

Jumper only got better thanks to the amazing efforts of the local animal shelter and its donors. His case serves as a reminder that whenever we see a doggo in distress, we must call for help!

Also, whenever you are able to, donate to the organizations and individuals who dedicate their lives to saving our furry friends.

By joining hands, we will not only save those in need, but also help shape a brighter future for every precious doggo deserving of care and love.
