Dog Shows He’s Ready For Adoption By Advertising Himself In A Store Display


I’m pretty sure everyone, at least as kids, imagined themselves purposefully being locked in a store overnight. Well, this doggo did exactly that.

Here’s a story about a clever dog figuring a way to display his beauty in order to get adopted.

A Dog With A Plan

As the owner of a fabric store was closing up shop for the day, she didn’t realize that not everybody clocked out. A stray dog had sneaked inside the shop earlier in the day, hiding away and waiting for the perfect moment to carry out his plan.

The next morning, along with the sun, came out the clever pup, gracefully putting himself in the shop display and awaiting a potential hooman who would make him a new member of his family.

Dog sitting in the bedroom

He sure did get a lot of attention. Whoever passed by the store’s window stopped and adored the unusual new display. A proud dog posing and wanting to be seen. And, seen he was! 

Despite staying over for only one night in this unusual hotel, he soon became the talk of the town. Even appearing on TV!

When the time came to open the store in the morning, the dog politely made its way out, sad that he didn’t actually get adopted.

But, what he didn’t know was that he caught the eye of two animal rescuers, Juliana Koerich and Adri Xica, who were determined to find him.

Desired Outcome

He wasn’t that hard to locate since he had already become a celebrity. Juliana and Adri stated that the doggo is very affectionate and she thanked the store’s staff for being so polite and not being mad and the furry intruder.  

After receiving some treats and well-deserved pets, he was taken to the vet for a checkup! They also made efforts to let all the people who saw him in the media or in person know that he was looking for a forever home.

Dog with his new family

In the end, he found one! A young man named Lucas saw the dog and immediately fell in love with how smart he was. He adopted the clever canine and named him Thor!

Adri made sure that everybody who followed the journey of this dog knew he now has a sofa of his own in a loving home.

Final Word

Not all dogs possess the same level of creativity or simply aren’t lucky to stumble upon a store with a big bed in its window.

They rely on hoomans to take them in or at least an animal shelter which will find them a loving family. 

Please, when you do see a dog who is seeking a warm bed in a loving home, if you are not able to adopt him yourself, bring him to your nearest shelter.

By doing so, you become a vital part of the journey that leads these lovely dogs to the forever homes they truly deserve.
