This Adorable German Shepherd Girl’s Favorite NBA Player Is Her Dad 


Devonte’ Graham, a professional basketball player, has quite a fanbase. But, can you tell who’s his biggest fan, the president of all Graham fanclubs? His pup Charlotte, of course!

Charlotte is a beautiful German Shepherd puppy that Graham adopted when she was a small baby. From day one, this baby girl was obsessed with her dad. Well, you can say the feelings are mutual.

Their adorable pictures are spreading smiles all over social media. People just want to see baby Charlotte — as he likes to call her — and know what she is up to with her dad.  

“Having Charlotte changed my life,” says Graham, lovingly. This puppy is not only his little girl, but also his best friend, his lucky charm, and his biggest fan all in one. 

Charlotte Is The Biggest Daddy’s Girl

man cuddling with german shepherd on the couch
Photo from: @babycharlotteandbleu

When Graham is not busy playing important basketball games, he spends his free time with his pup at home in Kenner, Louisiana.

“I love coming home to see her, especially when I am on the road.” 

At first, Charlotte was very timid, and she would follow her dad everywhere. “She was real small and real cute. It didn’t last too long, though. She’s still cute, but she’s just way bigger”, comments Graham, with a lot of love for his furry friend. 

She is now a big girl, but she’ll always be his baby. Charlotte acclimated to her new family quickly… and even learned to like basketball. 

german shepherd with basketball ball
Photo from: @babycharlotteandbleu

This dynamic duo likes to play basketball together on their private basketball court. She even became Graham’s lucky charm. 

Charlotte even proved how lucky she was to Graham. The lucky charm’s dog tags were brought to the 2020 NBA Draft, and Graham’s team scored the third pick! Thank you very much, Charlotte!

young man at home with dog
Photo from: @babycharlotteandbleu

Charlotte loves to spend time with her dad no matter what. Graham takes her everywhere with him, and she loves those little car rides. 

Their favorite game is to play fetch from the third floor when they are at home. Graham describes this as: “You hear the “Doot!, Doot!, Doot!, and she just takes off and starts sprinting down the stairs, like, real quick. She brings it up, and we just keep doing that over and over again.”

When she wants attention, she does this cute little thing where she crawls into her dad’s lap. There’s a good chance that she still sees herself as a small lapdog.

funny dog with hat sitting in a car
Photo from: @babycharlotteandbleu

When Charlotte does something naughty, she puts herself in time-out. She also does this when Graham upsets her, or when she doesn’t want him to leave, which is just too cute. 

“I don’t get too mad at her. She’s such a good dog,” says Graham. I don’t blame him… after all, who could stay mad at that adorable face? 

“She’s got that unconditional love. She doesn’t care about basketball, or if I had a good game. Win, lose, or draw, Charlotte is always there to pick my spirits up.”

For many people, dogs are their best friend and ultimate companion in life. Charlotte is exactly that for Graham. She is just what he needs to escape the stress of his busy life, and he is her whole life — her everything. 

It’s beautiful to see these two together. Charlotte also has some new furry friends that keep her company Kenner, Louisiana home while daddy is away — a big bro named Bleu, and a little bro named Saint.   

adorable dogs playing at home
Photo from: @babycharlotteandbleu
