Sweet German Shepherd Doesn’t Leave His Hooman Baby Sister’s Side


The first thing that pops into our mind when we think of German Shepherds is probably their impeccable service as K9 officers, or their exquisite intelligence! But, did you know that these pooches are one of the best family dogs ever?

That’s right!

When they’re not out in the field doing hard work, these German beauties love sharing the cutest moments with their hoomans. Ace, for example, is all about his baby sister, Tommi! 

Ace Choses To Be Tommi’s Personal Protector

german shepherd sleeps in the arms of a baby
source: @amandaa6613

TikTok user @amandaa6613 witnesses one of the purest friendships we’ve seen! Her daughter, Tommi, and her family dog, Ace, being only one month apart in age, have just the most beautiful relationship ever!

Ace is all about Tommi, constantly seeking her attention and wanting to be around her. Every morning, they have their own waking-up rituals that include snuggling and kissing! 

Even though Tommi is the newest family member, and they haven’t known each other for too long, Ace choses to be her best friend in the world!

a German shepherd touches the baby's face with its snout
source: @amandaa6613

Their relationship is mutual, though, as Tommi loves Ace very much! He’s her own personal protector and her partner in crime! They do everything together – they play, sleep, walk, and eat next to each other.

“Ace chooses to be by Tommi…Her presence is one that is welcomed and wanted by him. This isn’t something that can be forced or fabricated. With care and attention, their bond formed naturally and with mutual respect,” says Amanda.

a baby touches the ears of a German shepherd
source: @amandaa6613

He’s Tommi’s Most Loyal Sidekick

cute baby hugs german shepherd
source: @amandaa6613

Ace isn’t just a dog to Amanda and her family. He’s so much more than that! He’s a part of the family, a brother, and the best friend in the world!

“It’s never just a dog, they’re so much more than that.”

He simply enjoys being loved by Tommi and the rest of the family, and he knows how to reciprocate! 

a German shepherd looks after the baby while they play
source: @amandaa6613 

Tommi and Ace have their own mini quirks! Wherever she’s playing with her toys, Ace is there to accompany her! 

“Ace frequently lays next to baby girl while she plays with her toys.”

It’s like they have their own little world together! Ace is very calm and relaxed around Tommi in the house, but he also makes sure that his little sister is protected whenever they go outside! 

We can say with certainty that Ace is the purest, most perfect buddy! And, we wish them so much more memories together!

