Dog BFFs Stay In Touch Via FaceTime After Moving To Different States 


When the friendship is real, distance doesn’t matter, even in the canine world. 

Meet Rollo and Sadie, two canine best friends whose love and friendship melted hearts all over the world. 

Despite being separated by states, Rollo and Sadie stay connected with the help of technology and their beautiful moms. 

They keep their bond alive through regular FaceTimes and continue to bring joy to each other’s life. Their relationship is probably the cutest thing you’ll ever read about. 

The ‘Romeo And Juliet’ Of Dogs

two dogs standing on their hind legs in the kitchen
Source: TikTok

Rollo and Sadie met during the very beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. They lived in the same apartment building and quickly became the best of friends and pretty much inseparable, just like their moms. 

Rollo is a Rottweiler/German Shepherd mix, and Sadie is a Siberian Husky/German Shepherd mix. 

“We got to know each other really fast. We feel really lucky that our situations brought us both into that house at that time. The dogs would play, and Caitlin and I just got to know each other,” Kayla, Sadie’s mom, told The Dodo. 

For almost two years, these two pups were together every day until Rollo’s owner had to relocate due to her job. 

“In your 30s, getting to live with your best friend and your best dog, that’s pretty hard to say goodbye to, but obviously, life goes on,” Caitlin said. 

Unfortunately, moving to another state almost three hours away also meant that the dogs would be separated from each other. 

Rollo and Sadie posing
Source: TikTok

Kayla and Caitlin knew it would also be hard for them, so they made arrangements to allow the dogs to see each other. 

Thankfully, we live in a world where technology makes things easier, so even these two canine BFFs are able to see each other despite living miles apart.

Maintaining The Long-Distance Friendship 

two dogs watching each other through the laptop screen
Source: TikTok

When Kayla and Caitlin made the deal of FaceTiming every Thursday to catch up, they didn’t even think that the dogs would mostly do the talking. 

Their touching reaction to seeing each other on the screen melted everyone’s hearts. 

According to Kayla, Sadie is not quite a howler, but as soon as she saw Rollo on the screen, she started howling like never before – almost as if she was telling him something. 

On the other side of the screen, Rollo started whimpering, which he usually does every time he sees his best friend, Sadie. 

Thankfully, their moms filmed this beautiful interaction, which everyone is obsessed with. The video of their FaceTime has almost 30 million views on TikTok. 


When you really miss your bestie 🚨🚨🚨 #dog #dogsoftiktok #dogs

♬ original sound – Rollo and Sadie

“They’re quite a pair. They’re so similar, and they match each other’s energy so well,” Rollo and Sadie’s moms told The Dodo.  

They try to see each other at least once a month and give them the chance to connect and play with each other. The dogs absolutely lose it when they see each other in person – it’s the best thing ever. 

“I think Sadie wears the pants in the relationship,” Sadie’s mom said. “100 percent. Rollo will do anything that Sadie says,” Rollo’s mom agreed. 

According to the moms, it is always a special moment when they see each other, and they try to spend as much time together as possible. 

two dogs driving in the car
Source: TikTok

Hopefully, Rollo and Sadie will soon be reunited again because this kind of love should never be separated. 

Until then, every Thursday night is reserved for Sadie and Rollo’s FaceTime session. You can keep up with this adorable duo on their Instagram or TikTok.  
