Man Found A GSD Pup That Fixed His Broken Heart


Most dog owners know that they’ll outlive their pets, but even so, when the inevitable happens, we’re left in utter shambles.

Such was the case for Scott, a dog owner whose German Shepherd passed away. He was stuck depressed, not knowing what to do aside from grieving for his lost doggo.

However, a chance encounter would give him a new lease on life as well as to the surprise he found on the way there.

The Trip That Made All The Difference

dog laying on mans shoulder
When you go on a trip and end up with a friend for life. Photo from: Biggie The Shepherd

Scott went out for a ride to help clear his thoughts and hopefully ease the pain of his recent loss. However, something unexpected happened when he was passing through Payette, Idaho, a rural farming town.

He came upon a sign saying “German Shepherd puppies”.

While he didn’t go out with a plan to replace his beloved deceased friend just yet, he figured that the company of some pups would do him some good.

But that thought would soon change as he saw them and one puppy in particular came up to greet him.

This pup was Biggie, the runt of the litter who was suffering from a hernia, who warmed Scott’s heart where he couldn’t just leave him there.

He recognized another soul that was looking for someone to complete it, his true canine companion.

He adopted the good little boy and gave him the name and the two have been inseparable since.

The Most Active Sheppie

happy man with dog
Despite the hernia, Biggie enjoys being physically active. Photo from: Biggie The Shepherd

They do everything together, and they fit each other’s personalities. Both Scott and Biggie are really outdoorsy, which is surprising for a dog with a hernia, but he’s a persistent little guy.

Be it hiking, snowboarding or just playing ball, Biggie will keep pace with his new owner and best friend with ease.

His favorite area is the mountains, oddly enough. They provide that extra challenge and environment variety which give him an absolute thrill, the snow in particular.

This sudden turn of events helped Scott come to terms with his former dog’s passing and helped him in dealing with his depression while Biggie found a friend who looked past his physical hindrance.

Always Keep Looking Forward

man with sunglasses taking selfie with his dog
When you see a sign, follow up on it, you may just end up finding a friend for life like these two did. – Photo from: Biggie The Shepherd

While chances for something like this to happen are slim, it’s important to recognize the sign and give the opportunity a shot.

These two didn’t plan on meeting one another, it just sort of happened, but that was only the case because Scott tried to move forward.

While I’m sure he misses his deceased furry friend a lot still, he’s found a way to channel the negativity his death brought him into his new Sheppie friend.

I’m sure his old dog is happy to see him back to being his old active and positive self and that he thanks Biggie for facilitating that.

Until next time, pet parents.
