It’s a commonly known fact that many dogs love toys. The toys can help them in a lot of ways. It can help them learn new skills, like foraging, fetching, or exploring.
Not only that, but toys can also be there for your dog as a comfort object, as many dogs can bond with plush toys to the point where they are obsessed with them.
Similarly, the dog we will be talking about in this story loves to snuggle with his plushie while he is waiting for his chance at adoption.
Meet Jane

When Jane was first found by the Humane Society of Northwest Louisiana (HSNWLA), it was only a couple hours after her birth.
She, her mother, and her siblings were quickly taken in by the animal shelter and transported to safety.
The staff at HSNWLA gave them lots of love and made sure to make them all feel welcome and comfortable.
Jane was in the shelter only for a few months before she first got adopted by someone.
Sarrah Walton, a longtime volunteer at HSNWLA, told The Dodo: Jane was originally adopted as a puppy in May of 2017. Her family loved her very much.

Her new family loved her and tried to make her feel at home as much as they could, but it was just not meant to be.
Walton continued by saying: Unfortunately, Jane just did not like the small dogs in the home. They tried for years to work with her, but, ultimately, they did the right thing by bringing Jane back to us at the beginning of 2022 to find a more suited home.
A New Plushie Friend

Sending her back to the shelter changed Jane quite a bit more than expected. She became a bit withdrawn and the workers there noticed that, so they tried to figure out if there was anything they could do for her.
They took her for car rides, field trips, and other volunteer’s houses, but it just didn’t seem like anyone wanted her.
HSNWLA workers continued trying to make her feel better, and that worked, but over time, she showed interest in the plushies that were in the building offices.
Because dogs generally love toys, her reaction was expected. She absolutely loved the plushies and refused to be separated from them.
Walton said: Jane loves her babies. She loves to snuggle up with them. Her sloth is her favorite!

A year had gone by, and there was new hope for her. A couple named Sarah and Justin M. decided to adopt Jane and take her into a new home.
She got a proper send-off from the HSNWLA staff, and they made sure not to forget her plushies when they were gathering her belongings.
It didn’t take long for her new parents to realize that Jane was meant to be with them. The couple just adore everything about her and I honestly wish them nothing but the best.