Pittie Tied To A Bridge Railing Learns That Not All Humans Are Bad


The problem of animal abuse is generally misperceived and not dealt with appropriately in most parts of the world. While in nearly fifty states, abandoning a pet is considered as animal abuse and a criminal offense, the abandonment issue is still on the rise, with no adequate response to it.

Take a look at this doggo girl as an example! She was a victim of neglect and animal abuse, left at the mercy of the road and tied to a bridge railing with a tight hose around her neck.

Her previous owners didn’t seem to care if she was hit by a car or starved to death, as she was mercilessly left to fight for her life on her own.

All Alone On A Busy Road

dog lying tied to a bridge railing
Source: RON Project

In the middle of who-knows-where, the Pittie girl was sitting on a large bridge, tied to a metal guardrail. She was desperately waiting for someone to help her, and lucky for her, she didn’t have to wait for too long.

A local rescuer received a call about an abandoned dog inhumanely tied to a bridge, and he rushed to the spot shortly after. When he got to the place of abandonment, the doggo girl was frightened, sitting in panic.

She was still in shock of being dumped by her family, completely out of trust for other hoomans. On top of all that, she seemed severely stressed out and anxious, but her good Samaritan was inclined to help her no matter what!

The Most Inhumane Neck Restraint

untying a dog trapped on a bridge
Source: The Animal Rescue Site

When he approached her, he saw a leash around her neck tied so uncomfortably to the railing that she wasn’t able to rest her head at all

On top of all that, the Pittie girl had an extra hose tied around her neck. Being on her own for a little longer, she would’ve definitely been in much worse condition than she was in.

The rescuer spent quite some time trying to get her out, until he finally succeeded. After an eternity of being helpless, the Pittie was finally unleashed and saved from a dangerous road.

Initiating Friendly Contact For The First Time In Who Knows How Long

man saving a dog tied to a bridge
Source: RON Project

The rescuer didn’t come empty-handed. He brought some treats, water, and a bowl to feed the dog. This poor girl was evidently scared and she desperately needed a friend, and this giant-hearted man knew how to get things going.

After eating her first bite, he gently petted her on the head, and she reciprocated! She gave him a gentle look and immediately calmed down, as if she knew that from now on, everything would be fine.

She’s Starting To Believe Hoomans Again

feeding a dog saved from the bridge
Source: RON Project

She seemed so happy knowing that she was finally off the leash. She practically devoured the whole plate of food and then was treated with a special play time in the grass, which she loved!

Things could’ve ended badly for this girl, but thanks to her hero rescuer, she got a second chance, and she couldn’t be happier!
