This Guy Went From Not Being A Dog Person At All To The Ultimate Dog Dad


Never say “never”.

I can’t tell you how many times this backfired on me. Whenever I said I’d never do something, it came rushing back to me, proving me wrong. 

The hero of today’s story surely knows that feeling. Now, he always thinks twice before saying I’d never do this or that. 

There are dog people and there are cat people. You always belong to one team. If you claim you’re neither one of them, then you’re simply not categorized yet. You’re definitely one of them, but you don’t know it yet. 

James Coburn was absolutely against getting a dog.

He said he’d never allow one in his home. 

But, even a person with an opinion set in stone could change.

Why did James change his point of view? Who made him do it?

Well, it all started when they stumbled upon a special dog on one of the adoption sites online…

A Change Of Heart

adorable dog with scarf sitting on the couch

The impossible thing happened: James Coburn fell in love with a small pupper!

His wife, Leah, couldn’t believe her eyes. Just how many times did she beg him to consider adopting a dog? About a million… that’s right!

Guess all it took to change James’ heart was a special dog to lock eyes with him.

“Both of us had dogs growing up — it was never about not loving dogs,” Coburn claimed. “We just live a very active lifestyle, and my thought was that adopting a dog would keep us at home, hold us back and prevent us from doing what we loved … I thought I wasn’t capable of giving them a fulfilling life.”

All of this fell in the water when Poundcake entered their lives… and their hearts!

The 8-month-old pupper, found on an adoption site, was truly special. He was born deaf, which gave James and Leah another reason to believe this pup was meant for them. 

“I hated the idea that he didn’t have a home, and something about him just compelled me to apply,” Coburn said, “and I did that night without telling Leah while I was doing it.”

The Texas-based pup soon became a resident of Rhode Island, where James and Leah had a home. The year 2021 was a game changer for everyone. 

It wasn’t important to James that Poundcake was a deaf dog. He didn’t see that as a disability. James wanted this special dog because he saw the kindness in his eyes that could melt icebergs.

“I submitted the application immediately, and was terrified because we didn’t have experience with deaf dogs, but something felt right,” he added.

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When Poundcake arrived at the Coburn’s house, it was an instant connection. They knew that this sweet dog had so much to offer. They knew their lives wouldn’t be the same without Poundcake.

Needless to say, James was absolutely wrong. Getting a dog was a spectacular idea!

But, Wait, There’s More

cute puppies sleeping on the couch

The cozy family life with Poundcake was simply amazing. 

He turned out to be exactly what James and Leah thought of him: too sweet, gentle, and thankful for each new day.

Just when they thought the family was complete, another idea popped into their minds:

How about a second dog?

That’s the deal with dog people. Once you get a dog, you’ll get a second one, too. Then another, and another… There’s never enough dogs! 

The Coburns had no experience with deaf dogs before. But, Poundcake taught them a thing or two on how to handle this disability. Naturally, when a chance to adopt another deaf dog came, they jumped on it. 

“As we understand it, she started in the prison system working with either inmates or parolees … but I’m told she did not do well in that environment,” Coburn said.

The sweet girl they named Milkshake was a delicate soul. She needed a supportive family like the Coburns. The beginning of 2023 brought them Milkshake as a pup that would make their family feel complete. 

dog on the kitchen floor

Bouncing from one foster home to another, Milkshake didn’t really have a happy life. All that time, she was looking for kind hoomans that would show her what love is. 

She got all that, and more! 

Milkshake got a brother, too… someone that really understands her since they’re sharing the same disability. 

“They’re pretty different dogs. The two of them gel very well together. They LOVE having each other around. The only times there is friction is when Milkshake wants to keep playing forever, and Poundcake wants to sleep,” James said. “But otherwise, they do just about everything together.”

James’ biggest concern about getting a dog was whether they’d be able to keep up their active lifestyle. They’re the kind of couple that loves spending all their time outside, enjoying their adventures. 

And, guess what?

Milkshake and Poundcake come along, too! 

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Leah and James were blessed with two incredible dogs that love spending time with them no matter when or where. Frankly, I believe they enjoy their little adventures more than cuddling on the sofa. 

The Coburn family is so grateful to have Poundcake and Milkshake. They celebrate every day spent with them, and they appreciate every second that is given to them with these dogs.

Disabled? I don’t think so!

Milkshake and Poundcake have no limits! 

If you follow the Instagram account run by their dad, James, you’ll see the life behind the camera.

Their many birthday celebrations…

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… fun family outings…

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… and special first times like Milkshake’s first birthday ever celebrated!

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See, James, getting a dog only made your life a whole lot better! Just think of all that time you could spend with a pawtastic dog like Poundcake or Milkshake!
