Gentle Stray Dog Showers Caregivers With The Sweetest Hugs


While they spend their days wandering the streets, stray dogs live without hope of ever finding their forever home. 

It’s only after they’re rescued and brought to a shelter that they become hopeful of getting their happy ending. Hungry for love and attention, they eagerly wait for somebody to choose them.

Not all shelter dogs have the same prospects of getting adopted. Along with the older dogs who are seen as less desirable, dogs who have an imperfect appearance are often ignored.

Sonny, a gentle stray dog from Michigan, has learned about this firsthand.

Hope On The Horizon

owner with hat hugging dog

When Sonny was rescued by Jackson County Animal Shelter – Michigan in March, 2023, he was in a terrible state, severely emaciated and shattered. His ears were clipped, and he had overgrown nails and uneven fur. He also suffered from heartworm. 

Due to being neglected and depraved of human attention and love, he became hopeless and broken.

The shelter’s staff cared for him and made sure he had everything he needed. Their care and love deeply moved Sonny. 

Although he suffered very much in the hands of heartless people, Sonny wasn’t resentful. He had so much love to give and he started expressing it in a wonderful and gentle way.

Whenever the shelter staff knelt down beside him, he took the opportunity to tenderly bury his head into his caregivers’ chest. They knew that it was his way of showing his gratitude and appreciation. 

His loving personality won the hearts of his caregivers who adored him and enjoyed his long and gentle hugs. Underneath his imperfect appearance, there was an abundance of genuine love.

“He literally just wants to hug everyone. He just melts into you. It’s almost like he can’t get close enough,” said Lydia Sattler, the Animal Shelter Director.

happy dog hugging with owner

The love and care he received at the shelter made him feel better. As soon as Sonny recovered and gained weight, he was ready for adoption. He was eagerly waiting to meet his loving family. 

Yet, days were going by, and nobody chose him. The shelter’s staff was devastated to see that their favorite pup was constantly being overlooked because of his imperfect appearance.

“He looks awful, but he’s gonna get better. His coat is gonna grow back, he’s gonna gain weight … his ears are never gonna be normal again, but that’s just an appearance,” said Sattler.

Everybody who knew Sonny was rooting for him to find the happiness and love he lacked for most of his life. One of his well-wishers paid his adoption fees and promised they would cover the entire cost of his heartworm treatment when he finds a home.

A New Life

All he needed was to find his person who would pick him and love him forever. Sattler highlighted how amazed she was by Sonny’s overwhelming love after everything he had been through.

“To meet Sonny is to love him. And, the overwhelming love he has to share after being so neglected is incredible. He’s just so sweet.”

On April 18th, 2023, JCAS announced that Sonny got his happy ending. He found his person – a dad who will love him deeply and give him a forever home.

Dog with collar around neck and his owner

The JCAS team and staff will surely miss Sonny’s hugs, but they are thrilled that he found his person. He will never be hungry or neglected again.

Enjoy your new life, Sonny! We couldn’t be happier for you!
