Giant-Hearted Woman Takes Off Her Coat To Keep Her Canine Warm


Whenever the temperatures start to drop, we have to start thinking about our furry friends who weren’t really made for the cold weather.

Sometimes, their warm and fuzzy fur may trick us into thinking that they are warm, but that might not always be the case.

Take a look at how a woman, understanding the needs of her dog, made him not only warm from the outside, but from the inside as well.

The Kindest Gesture 

the dog and woman in the street
Source: Kristina Hollie

While waiting at a bus stop in Cambridge, Massachusetts, Kristina Hollie witnessed a scene that made her so warm inside she didn’t need her coat anymore in order to fight off the cold.

A woman unable to take her dog into the post office had to tie her dog to a tree so she could finish her errands. Her dog, being the good boy he is, was more than willing to patiently wait for his mom to finish what she needed to do.

Unfortunately, he couldn’t hide the fact that the cold weather wasn’t really his friend so he started shaking, trying to get himself warmed up.

This scene broke his mom’s heart and, unable to just leave him like that, she took off her own coat and put it over her adorable pup.

the dog wearing a green coat
Source: Kristina Hollie

“She immediately took off her jacket and covered the dog as he sat. Maybe she thought he would kick it off, so she bent down and zipped it up around him!”,

stated Kristina in an interview.

Kristina simply couldn’t let this woman go without thanking her for her loving heart:

She just replied, ‘Thank you! I don’t want him to be cold!’

Not only did she have the need to thank the woman, but she also posted photos of the warmed-up pup on Facebook, showing everybody that the world is still filled with good people.

Facebook absolutely adored this act of kindness, showering the photos in loving comments.

When Kristina’s bus arrived, she simply had to take one more look at this adorable and warm pup bundled up in his new attire.

the dog on a leash with a green coat
Source: Kristina Hollie

Final Word

Let this story serve as a reminder that the love our dogs give to us needs to be given right back in return.

Winters will come and go, but we must remember that certain temperatures are even too cold for our dogs’ furry coat.

So, if you live in an area where it gets super cold, don’t forget to get your dog a little jacket or, like this woman did, give it your own.
