Blind Pittie, Hazel, Gets To Spend His Golden Years Soaking Up All The Beauty


Imagine if someone took your sight away for a day… a year… many years. 

How would you feel?

Now, imagine if you hear there’s a chance you could get your sight back.

I bet you’d feel overwhelmed with joy and excitement!

Well, that’s exactly how Hazel, the Pittie, felt. Although she’s not a hooman, we’d be crazy to say she didn’t react this way. Hazel was over the moon with happiness when her foster pawrents told her she’d be getting an operation to restore her sight.

If it meant she’d see how pretty the world is again, she’d take it all, including vets, the beeping of the instruments, and the extensive recovery. 

And, she took it like a real champ!

Miracles Do Happen

close-up photo of the pit-bull
Source: Mr. Bones & Co. and Rescue the Runway

It took six months for Hazel, the blind Pittie, to finish the #OneLuckyPup program, and only a couple of seconds to win everyone’s heart!

This senior Pittie girl is a rescue dog from New York, saved from a life of back yard breeding. Her first owners didn’t even care that their golden dog was suffering from numerous health issues, and thus, giving birth to defected pups.

No, they only cared about the profit! 

Luckily, Hazel got out of that nightmare, and her recovery process started immediately upon being rescued.

When the Mr. Bones & Co. and Rescue the Runway organization found Hazel, she was diagnosed with diabetic ketoacidosis – a condition that almost ended her precious little life. 

Hazel was lethargic, she was too skinny for her own good, and too depressed to care about what would happen to her.

blind pitbull called Hazel
Source: Mr. Bones & Co. and Rescue the Runway

Her foster pawrents, Samantha and Rob, Leslie, Pete, and Lorraine, as well as numerous friends from New York and the rest of the States that showed their support with donations, were thrilled to learn that not everything was lost. 

Hazel went from a shy girl to a bouncy pup that managed her way around the house very well, even though she didn’t see. And, when they all learned that it will take several operations to restore Hazel’s sight, they thought it was a dream.

Hazel thought she was dreaming, too, but the reality was finally super sweet.

This Pittie girl had to take three hospitalizations and two surgeries. She suffered severe pyometra – a uterus infection that could’ve ended it all. Thanks to good vets of Pure Paws Veterinary Care of Hell’s Kitchen and The Animal Medical Center, Hazel pulled through.

They operated on her bilateral cataracts and gave Hazel artificial lens implantation.

They gave Hazel her sight back! 

Hazel the pitbull lying down
Source: Mr. Bones & Co. and Rescue the Runway

She was ready to look at the world with her eyes wide open again.

She was ready to see all the beauty she missed all those years.

And, she was smiling with the brightest smile ever!

It Keeps Getting Better

man and woman holding two dogs
Source: Mr. Bones & Co. and Rescue the Runway

Of course, as a tricky patient with numerous operations behind her, Hazel had to stay in the recovery program for a while before she was ready for the official adoption. 

She was getting back on her feet pretty fast, although the vets couldn’t get rid of one thing: her diabetes.

Hazel will need to take daily insulin shots for the rest of her life. That’s a sad reality for this senior Pittie girl.

Still, that didn’t stop some people from wanting Hazel even more!

Onalie and John, as well as their canine, Cooper, all wanted Hazel so much that they waited patiently and followed her recovery process. 

When the clock finally ticked off the adoption time, they submitted their adoption paperwork and Hazel was officially in the game.

It didn’t take long for Hazel to become a part of their family. This lucky girl finally got her furever home!

close-up photo of Hazel on a couch
Source: Mr. Bones & Co. and Rescue the Runway

And, let me tell you something: she’s definitely living her best life! 

Hazel is now like any other Pittie – sweet, caring, and super playful. She loves her new life with her pawrents and her brother, Cooper.

She loves doing simple dog things – something she never did before.

Watch Hazel being a dog that sees all the beauty in life, finally!
