Friends who stick together sure have one of the strongest bonds there is. However, when those friends turn out to be real brothers, then that bond truly is unbreakable.
Meet Fritos and Ruffles, two doggo brothers who decided to stick together no matter what and be each other’s confort.
Doggo Siblings
Fritos and Ruffles are a very cute pair of Schnauzer-Terrier mixes, and despite having 8 more puppy siblings, they just love to be together.
One of the ways in which they communicate their love is by holding paws. Isn’t this adorable?
In the beginning, they were all part of the Louisiana Baby Mommas rescue, but considering that they are a shelter dedicated to pups with special needs, and these puppies were in perfect health, they couldn’t really stay there.
However, knowing that these pups deserve a good home, they reached out to the Humane Society of Northwest Louisiana for some help.
“Our community is blessed in that all rescues work together to save lives. They will all finish their vaccinations, be microchipped, and spay/neutered,” said Sarrah Walton, the lead volunteer.
When they arrived at their new temporary home, understandably, all 10 puppies were a bit scared. Needing some time to adjust to their new environment, the pups were looking for a way that would make it all a bit easier.
And, this adorable little pair sure found one. Whenever the little family would settle down to take a nap, Fritos and Ruffles would come together and join their cute little paws.
Even when this adorable pup pair isn’t holding paws, they still aren’t far away from each other.
Ruffle’s playdates (or little naps) just aren’t as good when he doesn’t have his brother, Fritos, around.
And, not just that, but whatever they are doing, they make sure that they are doing it together.
New Life
Unfortunately, there is one thing that they weren’t able to accompany each other in.
When the puppy siblings were old enough to go their separate ways and find their forever home, Fritos and Ruffles had to be separated.
Although I am sure that they are living their best lives with their new families, they must miss spending time with each other.
However, being apart doesn’t mean that they will ever forget about one another. They probably still meet in doggo dreamland, spending their nights together, playing away, and holding their paws like they used to.