Guide Dog In Training Couldn’t Stay Awake For His Photo Shoot 


The initiation photoshoot is a very important step that sets off the puppy’s guide dog career, and little Benny – a black Labrador Retriever – was very excited to finally have his professional photos taken. 

Okay… a bit too excited, you could say. 

What happened, you ask? 

Well, it just happened to be that this photo session accidentally coincided with Benny’s nap time, and he was struggling to stay awake. 

100% not Benny’s fault. 

Someone in the management messed up big time. 

Little Benny Needed A Nap

Guide puppie on training
Source: @raising.benny

Benny was born as a member of the Guide Dog Foundation for the Blind, and he has many exciting things ahead of him. 

This organization’s mission is to improve the lives of the blind or visually impaired, so if all goes well, Benny will hopefully become a guide dog for someone in need. 

Besides being a guide dog, he could also be a service dog for a veteran or someone who needs help. No matter what, both are very honorable positions, which I’m sure Benny will execute flawlessly. 

When puppies are 6-weeks-old, there is the tradition at the Guide Dog Foundation of having professional photos taken of the new recruits to mark the beginning of their training process. 

It was finally time for little Benny to have his initiation photo shoot, proudly wearing his yellow vest that reads “Guide Dog Foundation”.

However, as the photo shoot began, Benny started to feel sleepy.

The little guy tried to fight it off, but eventually, it was all too much for him and he collapsed on the table, ready to take his well-deserved nap. 

Level Of Cuteness – Unmeasurable 

“During the shoot, Benny looked sleepier than ever, and we could see him starting to doze off, so we quickly began filming just in time to watch him slowly tip over,” Rebecca Eden, the internet marketing coordinator at the Guide Dog Foundation, told The Dodo. 

He tried to stay awake, but eventually, he drifted away into the sweet clouds of sleep. 

“Our nursery staff and photographer were all giggling, and you can hear one staff member say, ‘Goodnight,’ as he dozes off,” Rebecca said. 

Take a look at the adorable moment Benny slowly tips over to sleep: 

If this is not the cutest thing you ever saw, then I don’t know what is. 

The video quickly went viral, with everyone obsessing over the cute little guide dog in training falling asleep. On Facebook, it has almost 300K views.

Despite Benny falling asleep, the photographer still managed to take some photos. They turned out very well. 

Little black puppie with vest
Source: WeRateDogs

Guide Dog Training 

Benny is now a much bigger pup – still cute, though. 

He went to live with his new foster mom, Juliana Faith, who will be raising him until he is old enough to become a service dog. 

He’s still good at taking naps, even in the car. 

little dog sleeping on the owners leg
Source: @raising.benny

If you want to keep up with Benny and his guide dog life, follow his official Instagram profile. 
