GSD Learns The Hard Way It’s Not Okay To Play Under Trucks


I was always wondering: do dogs really love cars, trucks, and all the other vehicles, or are they hating them from the bottom of their soul? 

I can’t really tell because all that barking and chasing could mean they’re quite the fans. 

I know a lot of our pooches love to ride shotgun with their hoomans. 

I know lots of them jump in excitement when they hear the car keys jingling. 

That’s why I wasn’t surprised when I heard of a German Shepherd stuck under a truck. 

But, no… his love for trucks didn’t make him do it. 

The reason behind this unusual hiding spot was something far more serious.

What could it be?

What would make a brave German Shepherd so afraid?

Booger, #1 Truck Fan

german shepherd got stuck under truck

On second thought, this situation shouldn’t surprise me at all. German Shepherds are curious creatures by nature. They always have to sniff around and explore. No wonder they get in all kinds of trouble. 

When the Lufkin police department, from Texas, got a phone call saying there was a dog in need, they really didn’t expect such a situation. As usual, dogs end up trapped in all kinds of places, but this department never saw a dog trapped under a truck. 

Cats, maybe, but no dogs. 

How can even a big dog like a German Shepherd get stuck underneath? 

They were about to find out how.

Apparently, a two-year-old German Shepherd named Booger got really scared during last night’s storm. You can only imagine how terrible the storm was when it scared such a brave species. 

Booger climbed the undercarriage of his hooman’s truck and got stuck there, waiting for the storm to pass. Little did he know he wouldn’t be able to escape that easily.

The poor creature was wedged between the mechanical workings of the car. He was hanging above the ground in an unnatural position that surely wasn’t that comfortable.  

Luckily, Booger’s owner caught a glimpse of his hanging tail right before he was headed out to his truck. You can only imagine what would have happened to Booger if he stayed there… 

Of course, Booger’s hooman immediately called the police and the fire department of Lufkin. Both units responded immediately. 

Now, the tricky part was on: how to rescue Booger.

The frightened German Shepherd didn’t ease the situation at all. He was exhausted, fighting with his last bits of strength, unsure what was going on and why those people were going under the car trying to grab him. 

dog got stuck under the truck

Booger was growling at the heroes in navy blue… they had to muzzle him. Still, that didn’t help a lot. Booger was wiggling, making the rescue even harder. 

The only thing left to do was call animal control. Booger had to be sedated in order to be rescued. 

Who’d have known that a case of a dog trapped under a truck would require so many professionals at the scene. 

Naturally, the rescue finally went smoothly when Booger was relaxed. The rescuers grabbed Booger by his hind legs and pulled him out safely. Booger’s rescue mission lasted for two hours, which only tells us how complicated it was to lure him out from such a place.

Thankfully, the dog was completely unharmed… a bit dehydrated and tired from the gruesome night, but still fine.

dog behind gate

If it wasn’t for the brave departments of Lufkin, Booger would’ve gone for the ride of his life.

Now, he thinks twice before jumping in the truck, and eyes it carefully because he knows that vehicles aren’t always that fun. 

Please, for the sake of your pets and stray animals, always check out your vehicle before starting it. Booger’s owner luckily saw his tail hanging from under the car. Imagine the scenario if he had just gotten into the truck and started it! 

Although kitties usually get stuck under the hood or in wheels, Booger’s case is proof that dogs can experience the same nightmare. 
