Check Out How This Dog Told His Owner She Was Sick


They sense us when we’re worried.

They feel it when we’re sad.

Dogs are emotional creatures… very intuitive for that matter. 

Just how many times have dogs warned us something bad was about to happen? 

Think of the many earthquakes, wild animal attacks, or robberies. 

Dogs possess some kind of a sixth sense. Their gut feeling is never wrong.

So many times, they inform us in time. So many times, they are heroes!

For a woman named Christina, her Golden Retriever, Chache, was the real hero. Something told him something might be wrong with his mommy. 

But, how does a dog tell a hooman what he wants to say? 

By using sound buttons, of course!

I Gotta Tell You Something

dog standing next to female legs
Source: @cachecowadventures

The year is 2023 and dogs are talking.

That’s right! Our beloved four-legged friends are finally able to speak up and say what’s on their mind.

And, how exactly do they do it?

By using sound buttons meant especially for communication with humans.

It all started a while ago, back in 2019, when Christina Hunger, a speech language pathologist, first used those buttons on her dog, Stella. It didn’t take too long for the buttons to become popular among pet owners.

I mean… who wouldn’t love to be able to talk to animals? 

Well, Christina Lee, a software engineer from Northern California, surely loved that idea. After reading a book by Hunger, called “How Stella Learned To Talk”, Christina started to investigate the matter. Her dog, Cache, had to become a part of the experiment. 

Fast-forward a couple of years, and Cache seems to be understanding the project very well. He learned how to use the button board and even has a few favorite words he loves to press, such as outside and food.

“It was all demonstration-based. I wouldn’t give him treats or anything. If I went outside I would press outside. It took him a while to start using the buttons, but once he did, we were off to the races.”, said Christina.

But, Christina always wondered: Will Cache ever say something that wasn’t about him getting rewarded?

That day came sooner than she thought.

Mommy’s Not Feeling Well

dog named cache pressing buttons on the floor
Source: @cachecowadventures

On a casual afternoon, Cache and his mommy, Christine, were hanging inside the house, doing normal things. 

Then, Christine heard that Cache was using his sound button board. 

At first, he pressed words like Cache, home, and now. 

Christine confirmed to him that he is home now.

However, Cache didn’t stop there. 

He began sniffing around for the right words, and pressed sick.

Mommy asked if Cache was feeling sick?

… And then her miraculous pooch finally found the right words: 

Friend… friend… mom.

It was clear to Christine that Cache was telling her she was sick. But, how would the pup know that if Christine wasn’t feeling sick at all?

The answer came a few hours later, when Christine started feeling ill and nauseous. It turns out that Cache felt it all along. 

“I think he could smell it on me or something,” Christina said.

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A post shared by Cache – Talking Dog / Goodest Boy (@cachecowadventures)

Cache definitely felt something was wrong with his mommy. 

This episode wasn’t the only one that proved Cache was a superstar at using his sound buttons. This Golden Retriever from California actually has 257k followers on Instagram where he regularly posts video updates of his learning progress. 

One time, he even tried to warn mommy that he was about to barf, but you know how hoomans are… Sometimes, we’re too slow. 

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A post shared by Cache – Talking Dog / Goodest Boy (@cachecowadventures)

Dogs and their sixth sense, right?

This isn’t the first case where a dog has felt that a person was sick. 

A study has proved that dogs can smell cancer in the early stages with an incredible success rate of 93%! Just imagine how many saved lives we’re talking about!

Maybe if we listened to our dogs better, we would be surprised with what they have to say.
