I Bet You’ve Never Seen A Great Dane Wearing Crocs


One thing’s for sure – Hooch is no ordinary girl! This gigantic Great Dane has always been a pampered, goofy dog who wants all the attention possible! And yet, everything she does – she does it with such joy!

Her mom, Holly, recently bought her something that made her excited to the bone – a brand new pair of crocs! 

Hooch, who has always been a fan of doggo booties, made the sweetest reaction about this pawdorable gift!

Hooch – A Goofy Girl Who’s Madly In Love With Her New Look

a Great Dane with crocs is standing on the pavement and posing
Source: Holly Smith

Holly Smith and Hooch live in upstate New York, and the pavement can be very hot in the summer. To avoid feet-burning, her mom decided to try getting her doggo girl used to booties – and Hooch loved it!

Great Dane with crocs on a walk
Source: Holly Smith

When she saw an ad online, Holly just knew that she had to buy her a pair, at least for a test walk! They looked so cute and she wanted to see how they would fit on Hooch’s paws. 

a Great Dane with crocs is sitting on the street and looking at the camera
Source: Holly Smith

No doubt – Hooch pulled it off! She instantly fell in love with her brand new crocs, and instead of using them for the first time just for the initial photo shoot – she didn’t want to take them off… at all!

a Great Dane with crocs is sitting on the street and looking at the sky
Source: Holly Smith

She posed in them like a model, and then she galloped around some more! As happy as she could be, Hooch now wears them whenever she can! 

She Likes Her Paws To Look Pretty

Great Dane with red crocs stands with tongue out
Source: Holly Smith

Interestingly, the “crocs” are not the only booties Hooch wears! She also has a pair of red ones in which she looks like a movie star!

a Great Dane with crocs and a sweater is sitting
Source: Holly Smith

And, don’t get me even started on those fashionable blue booties! 

I honestly have a huge dilemma evaluating which of them fit her better, but if there’s one thing I’m sure about, it’s that it is not the shoes that count – but the model! 

That’s right! 

If it wasn’t for Hooch, who pulls these fashionable looks off, the shoes would definitely not be such a big hit!

The Ultimate Costume Enthusiast

Great Dane with a colorful cap on his head
Source: Holly Smith

Hooch just can’t get enough of the fashionable looks! Other than her pawdorable shoes, she also loves dressing up very much!

I guess there’s something in those costumes that makes her feel pawtastic!

Together with her two other siblings, a dog named Buster and a cat named Seal, Hooch has dress-up parties on a daily basis!

At The End Of The Day, Home Is All That Matters

two dogs and a cat with sweaters are lying on the bed
Source: Holly Smith

Still, when the sun sets – her New York home is all that matters for Hooch. Sure, she can be a fashionable girl throughout the day, but all that would mean nothing if it wasn’t for her family.

She enjoys spending time with Buster and Seal very much, and they feel absolutely the same about her!

The three of them make a fantastic little trio that does everything together… aside from wearing crocs, of course! That’s just Hooch’s exclusive specialty!
