A Dog Stuck In The Middle Of The Highway Is Happy To Finally Be Rescued


It’s a horrible thing seeing a stray dog on the streets and starving. It’s even worse when bypassers just ignore them and do not offer any kind of help.

Most of the time, these dogs, regardless of where they are, barely survive with an occasional meal they find somewhere on the streets.

It’s sad and more needs to be done to fix it. In this story, we will talk about a dog who was living in the middle of the highway with almost no one to help him.

Alone In the Middle Of Nowhere

the dog is standing at the intersection of the highway
Source: Soul Dog Rescue

When they first encountered a lonely dog on the road in Colorado, the team working at Soul Dog Rescue knew they would need to be careful.

She was very skittish and didn’t trust people at all, so the rescue team needed to get creative. 

In a post on Facebook, they said: She did not want anything to do with us, nor did we have a trap, which would have made life easier, but she needed help and we weren’t leaving without her.

The dog, now named Joss, was seriously ill and suffering from a severe case of tapeworm. While trying to rescue her, the rescue team saw a corn vendor close by and they asked about the dog.

a lost dog walks on the road
Source: Soul Dog Rescue

They were surprised to learn that she had spent several weeks before they arrived. The man had been feeding her some corn whenever he was able to.

It was probably the only thing keeping her alive. In the video, you can see Joss moments before she was rescued.

She was very hesitant at first, and refused help, but hunger got the best of her and she gave in.

Riggs Wirth said to The Dodo: She did not want to come with us and did not seem happy to be caught.

A Beautiful Rescue Story

rescued dog in a new home
Source: @coco_bunny_baby

When Joss was first rescued, she did not seem very happy to be saved. As time went on, and she realized that the food was regular, safety guaranteed, and comfort consistent, Joss changed her attitude completely.

Wirth said: She was always, always, always hungry. The first week, I had to limit her food because she would just eat until she would explode.

Before she was safe for adoption, Wirth took care of her in her own home. It was pretty clear that she had never been in a house before and it took a while for her to adjust.

She continued by saying: By the end of the two weeks, she wanted to be everywhere with us, just following us around the house. 

a man walking with his dog in the forest
Source: @coco_bunny_baby

I would turn around and she would be there sitting and looking at me, just happy to be there and wanting to be around her people.

Just a few weeks had gone by and she was already adopted and on her way to a new home in Colorado.
Her new family changed her name to Coco, and in just a short time, it was clear to everyone that they were meant to be together. It’s a beautiful thing to see and I wish them all the best.
