Pup Sticks His Head Out Of The Mailbox And Everyone Loves It, But The Mailman


I know dogs have a weird fixation with mail and mailmen, but I didn’t know they can be obsessed with mailboxes. 

Unlike most of his buddies, Rigby enjoys everything about mail, especially the place where it lands. 

Some might say he’s weird. Others would claim there’s nothing wrong with being a little bit crazy about something. 

But, we can all agree that Rigby is a special dog. 

Ever since he was a smol pupper, Rigby’s owners introduced him to a rather quirky activity related to mail: hanging out in the mailbox. 

Everyone was so surprised, in a good way, to see a pup greeting them from a mailbox.

Everyone, but the mailman. 

Rigby, The Mailbox Pup

the dog pokes its head through the mailbox
Source: @rigbysmailbox

When Courtney Poole and her husband, Evan, moved into a charming place in Louisville, Kentucky, they were excited about many things. Their new home was (and still is) a lovely house with lots of useful features. The couple knew they would be settling in for a while.

Their young pup, a Heeler/Terrier mix called Rigby, was also excited, but not about hardwood floors or the open space. Rigby went nuts when he saw they had a mailbox that was built-in to their porch. 

Courtney and Evan saw how obsessed the pup was with the mailbox, so they handed him to each other frequently through it, and even allowed Rigby to snooze in there. 

What bad could come out of a pup snoozing in such an unusual place?

Nothing, but a habit was born and the mailbox became Rigby’s favorite spot in the entire house. 

Time went by and the Poole family decided to make the house their permanent home. The only problem was that Rigby’s favorite place didn’t grow with him. 

Rigby grew up rather fast. He went from the smollest pupper that could fit into a mailbox to a 70-pound doggo that could only fit his head in. 

the dog peeks through the mailbox
Source: @rigbysmailbox

Still, that didn’t stop Rigby from enjoying his little peephole into the world. 

Unable to fit entirely into the box, Rigby figured out that he could pop his head through it and greet neighbors. That’s when the whole phenomenon of the mailbox puppy started going viral. 

People have begun taking Rigby’s videos, stopping by to greet him, and simply having a good laugh.

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Imagine you’re walking the street one day, you turn your head, and you see a dog peeking through a hole.

Who wouldn’t have a good laugh at it?

I’ll tell you who: the mailman.

The poor man almost had a heart attack one morning when he opened the box and saw Rigby looking at him. 

“Rigby’s typically only on the porch when we are, which is a few times each day, so he’s only surprised the mailman once,” Poole said. “The mailman was understandably leery and Evan had to move him and back up for our mail to be delivered. It was actually pretty tense for a second.”

It took a while for the mailman to get adjusted to Rigby’s unusual hanging out place. Now, he’s perfectly fine with the pup greeting him everytime he has mail for the Poole’s. I guess not all stereotypes are true: dogs and mailmen can be friends! 

Rigby’s still living in his sweet Louisiana home. He’s still watching over the neighborhood like a hawk.

And, he’s still peeking through the mailbox, making sure the people passing by all have a good life and an instantly better day.
Rigby’s owners sometimes post his daily tidbits on Instagram. Make sure you support this pup’s mailbox addiction and come back to check what he has been up to.
