Woman Apologizes For Her Howling Senior Pug And It’s Too Sweet


Switching homes and moving to a whole new area is a stressful event for all of us. We may not perceive it as something too stressful, but it still leaves an impact. 

You can only imagine what it’s like for our dogs. They feel the change, too. 

New furniture, new smells, new feeling… New everything! 

Sharla Wilson knew moving would be difficult for both her and her dog. She expected everything, but not Charleston to be that vocal about their move.

This senior pup had a piece of his mind on the move and he wasn’t going to take it easily. 

If Charleston wants to tell you something, oh, boy, you’ll hear him loud and clear. 

Unfortunately, living in an apartment building means the other tenants would hear that, too. 

Since the adjustment to the new apartment was rather bumpy, Charleston made it clear that he didn’t like it, not a bit.

Here’s what he had to say!

Charleston’s Late Night Blues

pug in the house
Source: JustSomething

It turns out that Charleston’s late night blues did not happen all of a sudden. It simply increased as he moved into a new apartment in Pittsburgh with his hooman mommy, Sharla Wilson. 

Charleston has always been a vocal Pug, unlike many of his cousins. 

The twelve-year-old senior pooch always made it crystal clear whenever he didn’t like something, no matter if it was his meal or a change of habit. 

The reason behind all that howling and being so vocal is the fact that Charleston is an older Pug that has already been affected by sight loss. He doesn’t see quite well like he did before, so he substitutes that by communicating with his mom. 

Taking care of a senior dog with cataracts, who often gets too scared because he can’t see his mom, is already super tough.

Sharla thought her new neighborhood was having mixed feelings about the newcomers. Not everyone loves hearing dog howls so late at night.

That’s why Sharla posted a note for her neighbors, apologizing for Charleston’s behavior. 

Hello, Neighbors!

My name is Charleston Chew and I’m very sorry for my howling.

I’m an old man now, with cataracts, and sometimes I get real scared because I can’t see where I am and can’t find my mom.

As I get used to my new place, I will start to settle down.

Thanks for being patient with me. I don’t mean to be such a pain. 

Charleston Chew Pug

twitter post
Source: JustSomething

But, Sharla didn’t know that her note would go viral. 

One of the neighbors thought the note was simply too adorable not to share it with the rest of the world. The photo of the note made its way on Twitter, where it scored a half million likes in a short period of time.

Luckily, for Charleston and his mommy, the neighbors didn’t really notice his howling. No one reported that it was bothering their daily peace and quiet. 

Everyone seemed to love the idea of having such a cool senior dog in their building, especially after reading the apology note. 

I bet Charleston had to howl back a huge thank you for understanding. And, I bet it sounded something like this:

Unfortunately, one Pittsburgh apartment has been too quiet since June 27th 2019. 

owner holding her pug
Source: JustSomething

Charleston Chew, the Pug that howled his way into our hearts, crossed the rainbow bridge at the age of 13. 

This senior pooch left a lot of heartbroken people behind.

Dear Charleston, we hope you’re still doing your late night blues up in doggy heaven. Rest assured that we never minded the noise all because you were one special little Pug.
