Overlooked Shelter Pup Finds Comfort In Playing With An Unlikely Piece Of Trash


Life on the streets, filled with uncertainty, is the kind of life that no dog should ever experience. Stray dogs roam the streets, while constantly looking over their shoulder and trying to avoid the danger that surrounds them.

After finally being rescued and brought to a shelter, they feel hopeful for the first time that one day, they’ll have a loving home. Day after day, shelter dogs wait to be picked out of the crowd, and some of them wait too long.

Knowing that so many pups get overlooked for no reason brings me great sadness. 

Zeus, a charming and loving shelter dog, knows exactly how it feels to be overlooked all the time. He has spent three years living in a shelter, waiting to hug his new parents.

How long is he going to wait to run into their arms? Will his dream of having a family ever come true?

A Shelter Favorite

shelter puppy waits for food
Source: Angela Cobbler

When Zeus arrived at Spartanburg Humane Society, in South Carolina, in January 2020, the shelter staff thought that he would find his forever home very soon.

Everyone loved him and showered him with attention, and Zeus became their favorite resident. They were rooting for the sweet pup to finally ride into the sunset with his forever family.

Time passed, and yet, Zeus continued waiting for fortune to smile on him. While he was dreaming of having a loving home, he watched his fellow residents run into their parents’ arms.

He never grew angry because he was constantly overlooked. Although he was sad that he wasn’t chosen, there was always a glimmer of hope in his heart that one day, he would leave the shelter, too.

While he was waiting for his forever family, he found comfort in playing with the empty milk cartons. He was very happy whenever he was running around with a milk carton in his mouth.

shelter dog with garbage
Source: Kaki Taylor via The Dodo

“Most dogs love squeaky toys. But his thing is milk cartons,” Kaki Taylor, a Spartanburg Humane Society volunteer said.

Zeus holds a special place in her heart, and she often thinks of him even when she’s at home. Whenever she’s buying milk, she remembers how much Zeus loves milk cartons.

“I’ve started drinking more milk lately just so I have extra milk cartons to bring to the shelter,” Taylor said.

The volunteers did their best to bring some joy into Zeus’ life by showing him what life outside the shelter looked like. One of his favorite things is taking a car ride to Starbucks to enjoy a pup cup.

Zeus’ Greatest Wish

shelter dog looking aside
Source: Kaki Taylor

His shelter friends know Zeus very well, and they don’t have any doubt that he would be a great pet. 

He is a bit shy when he gets introduced to new people. After having some time to get to know them, he turns into a love bug and a true friend.

“He’s such a sweet boy, just scared of new people. He knows something good is coming his way,” Taylor said. 

As much as he feels loved at the shelter, Zeus yearns for a place he can call home. He would love to be kissed goodnight before going to sleep. 

He has lived in the shelter for far too long. Zeus deserves to get his happy ending.

If you’re looking for a wonderful and loyal four-legged companion, please contact the Spartanburg Humane Society and give Zeus a chance. 

You will make his dream come true, and you will have a best friend who will be happy to share his life with you.
