A Pup With A Disability Couldn’t Make Any Friends Until He Met Someone Special


Some pups are born differently, but that definitely doesn’t mean that they’re not as special!

Take Rachel, for example. This adorable cutie pie was born with all of her paws deformed, but she has never taken a smile off her face (nor has she ever stopped being an amazing puppy)!

All she needed along her bumpy path was to make friends with other dogs, and luckily – she got someone really special to help her in that regard!

Living A Rough Life With Paw Disability

owner holding his cute puppy
Source: Facebook.com

Rachel was saved alongside her sister, Monica, from Dallas Animal Services, in Texas. 

Steph and Duke, a couple who run The PAWerful Rescue, in Royse City, Texas, dedicated themselves to making Rachel’s life easier, but also to give this sweet girl a chance to live a normal, dog life.

Even though she was born with deformities on all of her four paws, they believed that she would adjust enough to bear her own weight as she got older.

“We believe that her back legs/paws will continue to get stronger and her paws will adjust to bare weight as she gets older. Obviously know one knows what their bodies will do as they get older, but we are staying hopeful,” TPR says.

There was one problem, though – Rachel couldn’t make any friends once her sister, Monica, got adopted. Despite her endless enthusiasm and just the sweetest little face – it seemed that healthy doggos naturally rejected her as she couldn’t keep up with them.

But then – a special friend appeared just around the corner!

Ihop Saves The Day

a white dog without front legs sitting on a lawn
Source: Facebook.com

Ihop, the pup with no front legs, welcomed Rachel with all his heart. It was as if he knew that he and Rachel shared the same burden – and he perfectly understood how badly she needed a friend.

“It was like they were long-lost friends,” Steph told The Dodo.

two dogs laying on a lawn
Source: The Dodo

They immediately became inseparable, boosting each other’s confidence and transforming into the most playful pups!

Growing Into A Confident Girl

two dogs playing on a lawn
Source: The Dodo

With Ihop around, Rachel was now able to make other dog friends. She was growing into a sweet, confident girl who got a lot stronger and more mobile on her paws.

Steph and Duke made sure she made as many dog friends in the facility as possible, so she could be prepared for family life once she gets to a forever home. And, that life was just around the corner!

A beautiful couple showed up and fell in love with Rachel right off the bat! Even though they already had three dogs of their own, they wanted her to join their family very badly – and Rachel simply reciprocated their thrillness!

“Baby Rachel is finally home! The stars could not have aligned more perfectly for our perfect girl,” TPR wrote on their Instagram. 

“All three pups within a few days had welcomed her with open arms. Now her next and best chapter can begin. The one she deserved from the very beginning,” they continued.

dog sitting outside next to his bowl and kennel
Source: Facebook.com

Today, Rachel is a happy dog who easily makes friends with everyone, and we’re not surprised one bit! After all – who could resist her pawdorable personality?
