Rescue Dog Is Reunited With Her Daughter After A DNA Test


One of the most tragic things done to dogs is when their owners simply use them for breeding. To them, these animals serve no other purpose.

These poor dogs never get to experience what it’s like to be loved by a human, and they are pretty much dumped on the street when their owners are done with them. 

It’s truly a sad thing to see, and in this story, we will talk about a rescue dog who was also used for the same purpose, but whose story ultimately had a different outcome.

Bella’s Tragic Past

happy dog posing
Source: @girlsofdogrescue

Bella’s past is a very sad one. For most of her life, she was only used for breeding by her owner. When her usefulness was at its limit, they got rid of her.

Her life since then had been spent in numerous animal shelters, one of which was Girls of Dog Rescue, in California.

It’s thanks to them that Bella managed to find her new human dad, Matthew David. 

In an interview for The Dodo, he said: Bella has had a lot of trauma. She has lots of scars, and has been bred. She was definitely bred a lot. But she is the most gentle, sweet and affectionate dog I have ever had.

dog sitting in the car with colorful scarf
Source: @girlsofdogrescue

Ever since they were together, David tried his best to make Bella feel loved and like she had a place in her new home.

He continued by saying: She is a senior but still has a ton of life. Over the last two years, we have gone on lots of adventures together.

Bella’s Beautiful Daughter

dog walking in a lake shelf
Source: @girlsofdogrescue

As time went on, Bella’s past was weighing on David. He felt terrible that she never got to be a mom to any of her children and that she has almost never seen them.

In order to find out more about her origins, David submitted her to a dog DNA test to find out more.

To his surprise, the test turned out to be a hit. They had found Bella’s long-lost daughter, June. When David contacted June’s owner, who also lives in California, he found out that she had also been through a lot in her life.

The two decided to reunite the dogs. David said: Bella doesn’t have too many more years left, and I thought it would be fun for her to meet her pup. And perhaps as a way to heal from her past trauma.

Their reunion was an interesting one. David was surprised that Bella took interest in the dog, considering how reserved she usually is. June also showed the same enthusiasm about meeting her mom.

two dogs in a walk
Source: Matthew David via The Dodo

While it’s hard to tell if Bella knows it’s her daughter, David suspects that they do know.

He said: Bella usually ignores other dogs, so her immediately engaging with June makes me think there was a special bond.

Even though their little reunion and playtime was over, the two owners decided that the meeting between the dogs would be a regular thing. 

It’s amazing that despite everything they have been through, mom and daughter get to continue spending quality time together.
