Goofy Dog Finds Bucket More Attractive Than His Very Own Kiddie Pool


You probably haven’t read a lot of stories about dogs that love to enjoy their spare time in a bucket. However, when it comes to dogs, it is never boring, and every personality has something to make you smile. 

Play yards and dog kennels at Austin Animal Center is truly a place with a lot of dog stories. Some of them are either sad or happy, and some are funny, but the story about a dog named Centaur is truly weird, but funny as well. 

This Australian Cattle Dog came to the shelter as a stray on Saint Patrick’s Day, and there was no indication that he would quickly attract the attention of employees and a wider audience. 

Escape From Unbearable Heat In A Bucket

dog sitting in a bucket
Source: @austinanimalcenter

One of the first people who noticed his goofy personality was marketing and communication program manager, Kelsey Cler, but even she couldn’t predict how weird he truly was. 

She said that he is a goof, but an intelligent dog with just a bit of excess energy… nothing that hasn’t been seen already in this shelter. 

It was like that until early May, when Texas was experiencing an unusual heat wave. They started seeing Centaur stacked in a little bucket every day with his feet. 

“I think he just wanted to cool off his tootsies in the water at first,” Kelsey said. Nonetheless, it was a very funny scene, so they decided to take a picture and post it on their official Facebook page. 

The emotions and reactions of viewers were mixed. Some of them found it funny, but some felt sorry for him, so they started a campaign to get Centaur his very own kiddie pool. 

big dog in a small bucket
Source: @austinanimalcenter

Centaur Had His Own Quirk

A few days after the pool officially arrived at the shelter, a new post from Austin Animal Center caused an explosion of reactions. 

Believe it or not, next to his new pool, Centaur remained faithful to his bucket. “Well, it turns out Centaur is a certified weirdo,” Austin Animal Center posted on Facebook. 

dog called centaur sitting in a bucket next to a pool
Source: @austinanimalcenter

However, this turned out to be the best thing that happened to this funny pup. Quickly after their post, he appeared in numerous other posts on social media, including Introvert Memes and Dog Memes… some of the most popular pages on Facebook. 

He went from a certified weirdo to a megastar of social networks all because of the bucket. Life really writes incredible stories. 

From A Bucket To His New Forever Home

Maybe the pressure of fame was a bit too much to handle, so Centaur decided to give the pool a chance from time to time. But, he still divided his time evenly between the pool and the bucket. There is no forgetting his first love. 

However, it was not long after that Austin Animal Center announced the happy news on their FB profile. “Look who got adopted this week with his trusty bucket,” they stated and added, “That’s right, our OG certified weirdo Centaur has FINALLY found his person”.

And, we have no doubt that this cute dog will delight his new family for a long time with his unique goofy personality. 

In the end, it seems that one little bucket was actually a ship to a new life for this amazing dog.
