Pup Who Can’t Walk Wanted Someone To Embrace Him The Way He Is


Wet, emaciated, and ice cold – Petey was so far away from being safe.

All he ever needed from his people was for them to accept him the way he was, but instead, he and his baby brother were abandoned on a soggy blanket near a park and left to fend for themselves.

Found by a kind woman who was walking her son home from school, this California doggo was already on the edge, and he needed some help – urgently!

The woman rushed into action, but at the time, she didn’t know that Petey, indeed, was a special boi.

A Month-Old Puppy Barely Hanging On

huddled puppy on a white towel
Source: Sacramento SPCA via The Dodo

When he was first taken in by Sacramento SPCA, from California, Petey was lethargic and barely moving. Unfortunately, his sibling didn’t make it, and he passed away right upon arrival.

The staff immediately prepared warm fluids and Karo syrup to help Petey’s blood sugar level get back to normal. 

cute puppy lies on the bed and looks at the camera
Source: Sacramento SPCA 

After some time, Petey felt slightly better, and he started eating wet puppy food. 

He had a lot of issues – ringworms, abrasions on his chin and neck, and he was severely malnourished, but one specific thing caught the attention of his caregivers – he wasn’t able to stand still on his paws.

According to Sarah Varanini, the SSPCA staff member, Petey was unable to stand without falling, and he definitely couldn’t walk properly.

At first, his caregivers thought that this was the result of his malnutrition, but after a thorough examination, he was diagnosed with cerebellar hypoplasia, a neurological condition which implies the underdevelopment of the cerebellum. 

Typically, it manifests in overall clumsiness, frequent falling and lack of coordination, but the good news is that the condition doesn’t progress over time. 

Learning How To “Dog” With The Help Of Caregivers

the man helps the puppy to its feet
Source: Sacramento SPCA

Petey was not the only one who needed to learn how to live with his condition – but his caregivers were, too! 

The team made sure to puppy-proof his living space as much as possible, as well as keep him away from stairs and furniture. 

Once he was transferred to a foster home, Elizabeth, Petey’s foster mom and the SSPCA volunteer, did everything to make his little environment as comfortable as possible!

“Petey’s foster mom stumbled upon a brilliant idea: an inflatable pool so he could play safely without bonking his head! Everything worked out great until he bit a hole in it about 5 minutes later,” the SSPCA team wrote.

the puppy is playing in the pool
Source: Sacramento SPCA

Soon enough, Petey embraced his condition and started learning how to “dog” in his own unique way! 

He started playing with toys, eating his food, and cuddling with his new foster mommy. Every time she’d take him to work, he was excited to meet new people and dogs.

He was like every other puppy in the world – silly, curious, and eager to play and socialize! He soon made peace with his way of life and felt really comfortable in his skin, despite the fact that he, unlike other dogs, couldn’t exercise his full potential.

Petey Has A New Home

two men adopted a puppy that could not walk
Source: Sacramento SPCA

The SSPCA team knew that when the time comes, Petey will need someone who’s willing to dedicate himself and commit to this cutie pie 100%, and soon enough, that someone appeared just in time!

“This special guy has cerebellar hypoplasia, which made him a little difficult to place, but he’s finally found a family and can’t wait to start his new life,” the SSPCA team wrote.

Petey got the best possible owner in the world, who accepted him for who he is in a heartbeat! Petey plays, cuddles, and finds creative ways to entertain himself and everyone around him on a daily basis.

Once an abandoned pup with zero chance to survive, today, he’s the happiest special boi in the world!
