Dog Abandoned By His Owners After 7 Years Together Has A Brand New Life Now


What would you do if you were sitting in your yard somewhere in a rural area and a dog ran towards you?

Would you be shocked?

Well, that was exactly what Jayke felt when she saw the most adorable pup magically appear in front of her house

Sad News

dog running to a child
Source: The Dodo

When the shock settled a bit, Jayke responsibly decided to post the lost dog on Facebook, asking if anyone was missing the little cutie.

Only an hour passed when she got a very sad response:  

Oh, that’s Bubbles! That’s my aunt and uncle’s dog. They don’t want her.

This comment left Jayke in tears. She simply couldn’t believe that somebody would just abandon a pup like that, especially when she found out that Bubbles had lived with them for 7 years.

New Life

child petting a dog
Source: The Dodo

Jayke decided she needed to keep Bubbles, showing her that she deserves to be loved and how she will never be abandoned again.

In addition to this, her son simply adores dogs… so much so that “dog” was the first word he ever spoke.

Jayke was so excited for the two new friends to start their new life together.

They love spending time together and Bubbles is super gentle with her new friend. Currently, their favorite game is playing with the cool water coming out of the hose.

child and a dog playing with a hose on the grass
Source: The Dodo

At Work 

The family already had a dog which Jayke’s husband went to work with every day. Before deciding to keep Bubbles, her husband made a deal that he wasn’t going to be taking two dogs to work.

However, this deal didn’t last too long. The very next day, the two dogs were on their way to work.

dog bubbles on a quad with a man and a dog
Source: The Dodo

Bubbles was a great addition to the team as she learned to work with the machinery in no time and she simply loved it.  

When she isn’t inside being an excellent co-driver, she is running beside, making sure they are working the fields the way they are supposed to.

She might not be doing some hard labor, but she sure is working hard on making her owners happy!

photo of bubbles with another dog behind glass door
Source: The Dodo

“I have no idea how she ended up here, but I just imagine her leaving one day to find a better life, and she just saw our house and thought it would be a nice place to live and she won the jackpot,” said Jayke.

Final Word 

Bubbles sure did win the jackpot with her new life. 

Not only is she a part of a loving family, but a family that has a toddler and another dog. Imagine all that love inside of one house. 

I am so happy that Bubbles finally found a family that truly loves and appreciates her. And, please, if for some reason you do not want your dog anymore, bring him to your local shelter and give him or her another chance at a happy life. 
