Woman Saves Three Written-Off Dogs When They Needed It The Most


When life hits you hard and you feel like all the problems in the world have fallen on your back, remember that there are some beings that feel worse than you. 

There’s always a bigger problem, a much bigger sacrifice, and an even bigger need to help someone.

Kelsey McDonough thought her life was about to end. 

The emotional pain was too much to take. She needed comfort. She needed a friend.

And, what a better friend than one with a pure heart? 

When Kelsey reached out to find a friend, she didn’t expect she would find three souls that needed help instantly. 

And, she also didn’t expect that all her problems would be pushed to the side and her own soul would be healed in such a short amount of time.

Buy One, Get Two For Free

two chocolate dogs
Source: YouTube

The end of a 10-year relationship really shook Kelsey. She didn’t expect it to end that way.

Now that she was all alone in this world, she needed her mind to focus on something else other than her big breakup. 

The first thing Kelsey thought of was contacting her local shelter to see if there were some dogs that needed to be fostered. Kelsey had already fostered two dogs from the same shelter, so they knew she was up to the challenge.

But, Kelsey didn’t know that this challenge would be so much different from anything before.

The shelter informed her that there were actually three puppies that needed to be out of the shelter ASAP. Their time was ticking off, and they needed someone willing enough to sacrifice and give them a new chance.

And, when the shelter worker said they would be put to sleep forever tomorrow at 3 P.M., Kelsey’s heart skipped three beats.

Of course, she immediately took the offer and drove to see the little ones.

“Everything inside of me was like ‘I need to go get these dogs’” said Kelsey. 

These dogs were severely traumatized. Kelsey said that she never saw dogs that were so shut down. She had to do everything one baby step at a time, so the pups would adjust and not get scared. Even sudden movements made them tremble. 

Out of these three pups, Novo was the one that came out of the shell first, followed by Noah, and then Nash.

Going up and down the stairs was quite a venture. Kelsey had to carry them. 

woman kissing dog in arms
Source: YouTube

On one occasion, one of the dogs she was carrying, Nash, refused to let go of her. He was hugging Kelsey so tightly that nothing could separate him. That’s when she realized that Nash would be her dog.

The confirmation soon came because Novo and Noah, two remarkably rehabilitated dogs, found their furever homes. They were brand-new pups, scared of nothing and eager to see the world in its true beauty.

Around the same time, it became clear to Kelsey that Nash needed to let go of his traumas and embrace life to the fullest. She started taking him out on their little trips, and soon, one tiny step at a time, Nash blossomed. 

laughing woman with dog in the sea
Source: YouTube

A pup that was once scared to lift his chin up was now a healed soul. He became dauntless. Along with Kelsey and his furry sister, a GSD named Lou, Nash found his adventurous side.

A pup that was found with his siblings in the middle of the desert, trapped in a cage at only 16 weeks old, is now a dog that’s not scared of anything. 

As long as he has Kelsey by his side, nothing could stop him. 

And nothing should stop you from following Nash and Kelsey on social media. They have a TikTok account where Kelsey posts updates and heartwarming stories all the time. One of them is how she met her soulmate, so make sure you check it out.
