Brave Officers Saved A Puppy Stuck In A Pipe And Reunited Him With His Mommy 


There were a lot of situations when a dog or some other poor animal was stuck underground. They were almost always dramatic, but most of them had a happy ending. 

This particular case was somewhat different, as one tiny little puppy was stuck deep in a pipe. As the homeowner told the Michigan Human Society (MHS), the puppy fell down a drain opening while he was hanging around with his mommy. 

This dramatic and emotional story, which occurred in Detroit, will show you how the bravery of a few people with a big heart can lead to some of the most beautiful endings. 

Animal Officers On The Ground

It was 8 in the morning and the team of animal officers from MHS, led by chief officer Chris Dewerker, was already on the streets of Detroit. 

They got an emergency call from one woman that a puppy was stuck in a pipe behind their house, and that it was only a matter of time before it ended tragically. 

Chris knew they had to act as quickly as they could in order to save this poor little dog from underground darkness. 

When they got there at around 8:30 a.m., the first thing they saw was the sad crying face of the puppy’s mom, which was truly a heartbreaking sight.  

After that, the owner showed them two little holes in the house. From those holes, the wails of the poor little puppy could be heard. 

the police officers look into the pipes
Source: YouTube

No matter how hard they would have loved to just dive their hand into one of the pipes and pull out the dog, they knew that the job would be much more demanding. 

When the house owner explained that the pipes led to the back yard of the house, Chris realized that digging was inevitable. 

They immediately got to work and several rescuers managed to dig a fairly deep hole. Unfortunately, that wasn’t enough as they estimated that the puppy was 6 feet underground. 

After that, they placed a camera in the pipe to locate a dog. They located him deep in the pipe and soon realized that they would have to use an excavator to do the job. 

In the meantime, the puppy’s mommy was desperately wailing for her puppy, which motivated the rescuers even more to solve this heartbreaking situation.

Excavator Saving The Day

the excavator digs the earth
Source: YouTube

The officers from the MHS realized that they needed backup. As it was the septic system, the only logical solution was to call the experts. 

People from Aaron Excavating Inc. arrived very quickly after the emergency call. Now, there were whole teams of people, as well as various equipment on the ground, all with one goal, and that was to rescue the crying puppy from this dark, cold underground. 

An excavator was already in action and was digging really deep. At one point, the dogs’ yelps could be clearly heard, and at that moment, the machine stopped working. 

One brave man from the Aaron Excavating team did not wait a moment, but immediately jumped into the hole and got to work. 

After expertly cutting off part of the pipe, he finally saw the dog in the background pinned between another part of the pipe and the ground. 

That moment finally came, and the little, exhausted puppy saw the light of day after a long, sleepless night. 

a policeman holds a rescued puppy in his arms
Source: YouTube

The Sweetest Reunion

Everyone was delighted when the dog was finally rescued from that dirty pipe, especially the owner of the house, who was intensely experiencing the dog’s cries all day and night.

“It was a truly emotional situation all night and day, but we are so glad that there was a happy ending,” she said for Channel 7 that was reporting the case. 

Just pulling the little one out of the hole was very emotional, but the most touching moment of the whole story happened a little later. 

the dog sniffs the rescued puppy
Source: YouTube

Everyone’s eyes filled with tears when the little puppy and his mother met. It was truly a moment worth fighting for.  

The puppy and his mommy were with each other all the time, and the good people from the MHS made sure that they didn’t miss anything. 

Only later, when the pup was old enough to be without his mom, he was surrendered to MHS, so that he could start a new, happy life. 

We all love happy endings, and this one truly deserves a special place in our hearts. 
