Husky Picks Out Her Own Shelter Kitten, And They Become The Best Buds


Who says dogs and cats can’t coexist together?

This well-known portrayal has been circling around since the “Tom and Jerry” days, and today is the day we lay it to rest.

Raven, the Tamaskan Husky from Texas, has never been happier in her entire life, and the reason is – her feline friend!

Unlike the majority of other pooches who find their ultimate joy around other dogs, Raven finds her satisfaction in sharing the house with her tabby!

Woodhouse Was The One

Husky is sitting on the floor with a cat next to him
Source: @raven_and_woodhouse

Christina has always wanted to have a cat and a dog to grow up together, and in 2015 – her wish finally came true! 

Raven arrived at her home first, and after she had enough time to settle in, she decided to adopt a cat, too! 

However, she didn’t want to be the one who chose her dog’s “best friend,” so she took Raven with her to a cat shelter in Lubbock, Texas, to choose her own feline buddy.

a husky and a cat are lying on the couch
Source: @raven_and_woodhouse

When they arrived at the shelter, four kittens were brought before Raven, one by one. Some were just disinterested in interacting with her, while others weren’t into her curious nuzzling. But, then – it finally happened!

Woodhouse came before Raven, and she immediately started bonding with him. This beautiful interaction caught Christina’s attention, and she immediately knew – Woodhouse was the one!

a husky is playing with a cat on the floor
Source: @raven_and_woodhouse

Chrstina was delighted to recognize this duo’s instant connection, and she was more than happy to take Woodhouse to her new home! 

That day, a long-lasting relationship was formed, and Christina was amazed by how fast the two adapted to each other! 

The Fantastic Duo

a husky and a cat are sleeping on the bed
Source: @raven_and_woodhouse

Raven and Woodhouse always share a bed together, but that’s not all they do! They literally cuddle up to each other as closely as possible, like two long-lost siblings!

portrait of a husky and a cat on the couch
Source: @raven_and_woodhouse

And, when they’re not taking a well-deserved nap, the two just chill on the couch, enjoying each other’s company and coming up with new ideas for their play time! They play tag, celebrate birthdays together, chase each other, travel together, and eat together!

a cat and a husky are sitting by the window
Source: @raven_and_woodhouse

Sure, they sometimes stare through the window as a precaution, making sure there are no predators or intruders taking on their lovely home!

a husky and a cat are sitting on a bench
Source: @raven_and_woodhouse

They may not be the most enthusiastic hiking buds, but they’re definitely pawfect to hang out with in the back yard! They’re always ready to shower you with tons of kisses, especially if you’re the first one to initiate cuddling.

a husky child and a cat are lying on the couch
Source: @raven_and_woodhouse

And, guess what!? Over the last couple of years, Raven and Woodhouse welcomed two amazing baby girls to their fantastic pack and they couldn’t be happier!

The four of them always spend time together, and even when they’re not interacting, they just love to feel the presence of each other and stay close.

One thing’s for sure – Raven and Woodhouse are definitely the duo who break all prejudices about the “cat-dog friendship,” and they do it with style! 
You can keep up with their daily adventures on their official Instagram!
