A Mama Dog Keeps Growling At Her Rescuer Until She Realizes That She Is Here To Help


When Laurette got a call about a mama dog in need of help, she wasted no time and was on her way.

The mama dog, along with her seven newborn pups, was living in a makeshift tent outside in the cold.

Rescue Mission

black dog standing under the shelter
Source: YouTube

At first, the dog, now named Darcy, did not trust Laurette at all. Darcy, protecting her family, would growl at her and would not let her approach.

However, Laurette was not ready to give up.

She asked the owner of the property to hold Darcy back as she carefully took her babies to her van.

When Darcy noticed that her babies were being moved to the van, she started approaching it, not wanting to be separated from her litter.

Laurette saw this opportunity and started talking to Darcy in a calm and steady voice. She started realizing that Laurette was there to help, so she allowed her to pick her up and put her inside the van.

tall black dog sitting in a cage
Source: YouTube

Foster Home

When she arrived at her foster home, Darcy was a bit hesitant. But, when she noticed how caring and loving her foster parents were, she decided to trust them.

A week later, Darcy started approaching them all on her own, asking for sweet little cuddles.

black dog and owner playing together
Source: YouTube

“Darcy has done a complete 180. It’s so unexpected and just amazing. This is why fosters are so important. Lauren and her family helped Darcy to realize how good humans actually are,” said Laurette.

Being in such a loving environment, the puppies have grown up really fast and have started looking for a forever home.

All of Darcy’s puppies have moved to Hope Ranch for more socialization as they are getting ready to be adopted.

Laurette decided to take Darcy in so that she could have some time on her own.

She noticed how much Darcy’s personality changed. She was no longer growling at her or showing any signs of aggression whatsoever.  

Unfortunately, because Laurette already had four dogs, she was afraid that Darcy wouldn’t get the attention she deserved.

She deserves the most attention and love that she can get.

dog standing oustide with owner
Source: YouTube

Final Word

I am sure that this adorable little family will find a forever home in no time.

It truly warms my heart to see humans come together to help little animals in need, making sure they feel nothing but adoration and love. Thank you!
