A Dog Who Was On The Verge Of Giving Up Found A Loving Human Who Changed Her Mind


When Sherry saw the state that a dog, now named Destiny, was in, she knew deep down in her heart that, unfortunately, this dog did not have long.  

Sherry met Destiny while volunteering in a shelter. She simply couldn’t stop thinking about her, and it was a good thing that she didn’t! 

Very Strong Doggo

confused dog
Source: YouTube

Destiny was malnourished to the point where her ribs were showing. She also did not have any strength left in her, acting as if she had already given up on life.

The shelter she was in decided not even to name her, thinking that she wouldn’t spend too long with them.

information about dog
Source: YouTube

Sherry was left completely heartbroken… so much so that even when she got home, she couldn’t stop thinking about this poor dog.

“I couldn’t sleep. I kept thinking about that little red dog in, you know, kennel 251. So, the next morning, I went down there armed with treats and cheese,” said Sherry.

While at the shelter, Sherry was determined to become friends with Destiny.

She started throwing treats her way, hoping she would start to trust her. However, when Sherry noticed that Destiny wasn’t reacting to her, she decided to put one treat in her hand and hold it in front of Destiny.

To her surprise, Destiny walked over to her, took the treat out of her hand, and started eating it.

brown dog
Source: YouTube

After her little snack, Destiny decided to lay beside Sherry, who was gently petting her, and fall asleep.

I knew at that point she was going home with me. I knew she was going to be where she belonged.

Forever Home

When Sherry brought Destiny to her house, she was a bit hesitant to walk in at first.

Destiny stopped at the threshold of her new home and slowly walked in, as if she understood that she was stepping into her new life.

dog looking up
Source: YouTube

Sherry was determined to make Destiny better than ever.

Since Destiny weighed only 39 pounds, Sherry decided to feed her small amounts quite frequently in order for her to come to a healthy weight again.

Within six months, she didn’t even look like the same dog. It was completely different.

happy dog outdoors
Source: YouTube

After some time, Destiny was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease, which caused her head muscles to cave in.

However, Destiny did not let that stop her. She goes to acupuncture weekly, and she is the best patient ever.

When we go to her appointments, she knows when we pull up and she drags me to the door. She’s ready to see everybody.

Of course, after being such a good dog, Destiny has a very special meal with her name on the order on her way back home.

happy woman and dog
Source: YouTube

Final Word

Destiny has completely turned her life over. She now spends her days sharing loving moments with her mom and doing her new favorite thing in the whole world playing with the hose.

But, apart from being the happiest dog ever, she has also taught her mom and everybody else a very valuable lesson – never lose hope.

She’s taught me a lot about the fact that it doesn’t matter how bad it can get, you can come back from that.
