Baby Goat Meets Her New Dog Siblings And They Quickly Become Best Friends


We already know dogs are very emphatic towards other humans and animals. However, the question is, how far does that kindness extend?

Everyone has, at some point, heard a story that someone’s dog doesn’t get along with the other pets in the house. This might be true in some cases, but probably not for most of the dogs. 

If this story today can show us anything, it’s that a dog’s true empathy extends to almost any other living being.

Ducky’s Spunky Attitude

baby goat and dog
Source: YouTube

When Judy and Cody thought about getting new pets in the house, it never occurred to them that they would adopt a baby goat.

However, when they first saw Ducky, they realized that she needed special care, so they just couldn’t resist taking her in.

It didn’t take them long to realize that she was a special girl with a big attitude. In many ways, she thinks she is in charge of the house.

In the time she has been there, she has tried to make friends with her dog siblings in the house, but in her own way.

baby goat and guy laying
Source: YouTube

Judy told The Dodo: I think she must have a Napoleon complex now ‘cause she’s still so tiny. She tries to headbutt them and stuff…

One of her favorite activities is jumping out of her pen and running around the stall for several laps at a time.

Ducky’s Dog Siblings

two goats, one standing on a paddle on water and the other one is standing on grass
Source: YouTube

After she spent some time in her new home and with other dogs, Ducky slowly developed a bond with all of them.

She continued by saying: One of my dogs is 85 pounds. This little, itty-bitty thing is not scared. 

They would spend many hours just lying around and napping. When that wasn’t enough, they would lie down next to Judy and then fall asleep.

Another thing Ducky really likes doing is paddleboarding. This was an unusual discovery for the family, but a welcomed one.

Judy said: Typically, we go two to three times a week. It just really goes to show they really just get a bond with you. 

I just want Ducky to have fun here and be a goat. Just have a good, long, fun life.

The couple is dedicated to giving Ducky the best life possible, and it really seems like she is making the most of it.
