A Woman Thinks Of A Clever Way To Bring A Lost Pup Back To Her Home


When Kim Delledonne was going back home after grabbing some coffee, she noticed a small puppy wandering along the sidewalk.

As she decided to approach him, she was left shocked when she noticed that the pup immediately came running towards her.

Lost Pup

the puppy lies on the pavement next to the man's feet
Source: TikTok

As she was petting the pup, Kim came to the realization that the dog could potentially be lost.

She decided to hang out a bit longer with the sweet puppy, and wait and see if somebody would come looking for him.

When nobody came, Kim, not wanting to leave the pup all alone, started to think of ways to bring the pup home with her since she didn’t have a leash.

After not seeing anything of use, Kim decided to improvise.

@kmmykat1 Went for a latte, came back with a dog. #lostdog #founddog #coffeebreak #walk ♬ original sound – kmmykat1

Kim took her wired headphones, tied them around the pup’s collar, and started walking him back to her home.

“I was actually considering carrying him home when I realized my wired headphones might work. And, boy, were those things sturdier than I expected, because he was tugging and running the whole time and they held fast. I did pass several people and they smiled, but whether at the cute puppy or the fact I was using headphones as a leash, I’m not sure. I was too focused on keeping up with the dog!” said Kim.

the puppy drinks water from a plastic bowl
Source: TikTok

At Home

However, when they finally got home, Kim had another problem on her hands.

Since Kim never had a dog before, only cats, she wasn’t really sure what to do or how to take care of him.

Luckily, the pup wasn’t picky so he decided to play with some cat toys, showing Kim that there was nothing to worry about.

a foster puppy is sitting on a laminate floor and looking at the camera
Source: TikTok

As much fun as Kim was having, she still posted pictures of the dog across Facebook pages, hoping to reunite the pup with his real family.

But, as she waited for a response, Kim and the pup spent a lot of time together, allowing Kim to learn a lot about taking care of a dog.

We played a LOT of fetch and tug — he was very playful. It was a lot of fun, but wow, puppies have a LOT of energy! It was like a whirlwind — toys and dusty paw prints everywhere — but I didn’t mind. I definitely have a newfound respect for puppy parents.

Kim also had a lot of help from dog parents, asking them how often she had to walk him or how to know when he had to go to the bathroom.

Real Family

As she started to get into the rhythm of owning a dog, Kim received a message from the dog’s mom.

After about two hours, a woman posted a response to the Nextdoor post that it was her dog. She told me his name was Benji, and I called him by that name and he reacted, so I knew it was his owner. She was so happy — she had been searching her neighborhood for an hour and had been so upset. It was a windy day, and she believes the back gate blew open and he got out. She thanked me for taking care of him.

Kim got Benji into her car and drove him back to his real home where his mom was eagerly waiting to be reunited with her pup.

a woman walks down the street and carries a puppy in her arms
Source: TikTok

As she dropped Benji off, kissing him goodbye, Kim thought about how fun it was being a dog mom.

She also thought about how Benji taught her new things, including just how sturdy of a leash headphones can make.

Kim documented her experience of being a dog mom, posting it on TikTok and letting us in on all the fun.

@kmmykat1 Glad I could help this lost pup!. #lostdog #founddog #dognovice ♬ original sound – kmmykat1
