Louisiana 7-Year-Old Writes Heartwarming Letters To His Foster Dog’s New Family


Oliver Wendel Holmes, a famous American poet and physician, once said:

“Pretty much all the honest truth-telling in the world is done by children.”

It’s not a cliché; kids are truly our treasure and by far the most valuable things we have. They mean no harm. They don’t know how to be evil or rotten to the core. 

They only know one thing: to speak what lies in their heart. 

This is exactly why I believe kids in everything they say. And, if it involves kids and dogs, I’ll swallow up anything even if I’m being told that dogs can fly. 

A little boy whose family was in the program of fostering dogs fell in love with a canine buddy that swept him off his feet. Although he knew that their time together would be limited, this boy did everything he could to cherish each moment spent with his dear girl, Maggie.

And, he did his best to let Maggie’s future family know they’re getting one spectacular dog!

Letters From A Boy

dog wearing hoodie and sleeping
Source: scoop.upworthy.com

Foster families are so valuable. They help our canine buddies rehabilitate and get prepared for their next adventure: their final furever family. 

If it wasn’t for these brave people who take dogs into their homes and sacrifice their living arrangements, many pups would be lost. 

A special thanks goes to the Duncan family – sweet people who have become a part of the foster program. 

Together with their son, 7-year-old, Roman, this Louisiana family agreed to foster Maggie.

Maggie, a Pitbull-mix pup, came from North Shore Animal League America. The Duncans had to take her in and foster her until she grew up to be fit for adoption. Needless to say that Duncan was extra thrilled to have a smol pupper around the house. 

woman and her son posing with dog
Source: scoop.upworthy.com

Roman and his younger brother, Wyatt, were involved in raising Maggie from day one. They were told by their mom that Maggie is only with them temporarily, and that they’re helping her prepare for her furever family.

The boys loved teaching her basic skills and turning her into an obedient pooch. And, Maggie helped, too, by being a super smart pupper! She learned to go potty, figured out how to play fetch, and give the best cuddles in the world.

little boy laying with dog
Source: scoop.upworthy.com

Maggie became the best friend of the Duncan boys.

Sadly, the time to say goodbye arrived too quickly. 

To process his loss and help him send Maggie off without being too sad, Duncan started writing letters to Maggie’s future family. He wanted to make sure that no matter where his girl ends up, those people know what a good girl she is.

a handwritten letter
Source: scoop.upworthy.com

He also wanted them to know how much they loved having Maggie.

a kid drawing
Source: scoop.upworthy.com

A rescue manager with North Shore Animal League America, Karla Agostinello, was pleasantly surprised when she saw some additions to Maggie’s paperwork:

“I was so touched,” she said. “It’s hard (for fosters) to put the animals on the truck. So, I do get a lot of letters from adults—but children, not many. So, this is why it touched my heart so much.” 

Agostinello also added: 

“Foster families are so important because they’re the pet’s first stop—the first family. They’re instilling a foundation of love and care… You definitely have to set the expectation before you even bring the animal home: ‘We’re not keeping this animal, but we can do it again and you can love another animal,’” she said. “I always tell foster families, ‘Goodbye is the goal.’ They’re doing so much good.’”

The good news is that Roman’s letters did work! Maggie got adopted and found her furever family in New York! 

Agostinello is working hard to reconnect her with her foster family, the Duncans, and to show Roman that his hard work of raising a puppy really paid off. 

Roman is such a smart, young human. He’s already so reasonable for his age, I bet he’d grow up to be a spectacular being. His sweet, yet simple words really made a difference.

Let’s hope that these letters from a boy will inspire others to do something similar to help pups in need.
