Couple Wakes Up To Find A Stranger’s Dog Sleeping In Their Bed


Doggos are hilarious creatures! Even though they’re naturally smart and loyal pets, they sometimes do hilarious things! Things that make you wonder…

Imagine waking up one day in your bed and seeing a strange dog sleeping next to you. Weird, right?

Well, that’s exactly what happened to Julie Thornton Johnson and her spouse, Jimmy, the morning after a big storm hit near their southeastern Tennessee home.

Here’s how it went!

Nala Sneaks In Like A Pro

nala the lost dog creeping in a couple's bed
Source: Julie Thornton Johnson

Julie and Jimmy live in a big Tennessee home with three of their doggos. It’s not strange that some of them (or all of them) sneak at night in their room and snuggle into their bed for an extra cuddle. 

But, one night, instead of their own dogs, a strange pup crept into their bed.

“As daylight began to creep in through our curtains, we realized we were snuggling with someone else’s dog,” says Julie.

As strange as it was, they didn’t freak out! Quite the contrary – concern was probably the furthest thing from their mind! Instead, they laughed hard and wondered how in the world that dog snuck inside in the first place.

The strangest thing was that none of their dogs actually alarmed them about an intruder in their house, as they usually bark at anything they see or hear. It seems that even the dogs liked Nala right off the bat, which is why they didn’t make a big deal when she entered.

Julie’s Hilarious Post Went Viral

Julie posted about this sweet “incident” on Facebook, and the next thing you know – the post went viral! The story even got to the Washington Post and several other newspapers, which completely blew her away!

“This is the weirdest post I have ever had to make,” wrote Julie.

“At this point, I’m just completely blown away. I consider the Post to be one of the largest news sources. Not only did they cover the story, but we are one of the top stories of the day.”

Nala’s Owner Was Soon Found

nala the lost dog lying in her home
Source: Cris Hawkins

Thanks to the post, Julie found Nala’s owner very fast. It was Cris Hawkins, a woman who lived just a few houses down from them.

nala the lost dog lying in bed with her owner
Source: Julie Thornton Johnson

Cris first sent plenty of photos of her and Nala together to prove the ownership, and then drove to the spot to take over the dog. When she came to Julie and Jimmy’s home, Nala was still in the bed cuddling with Jimmy.

According to Cris, she must’ve slid out of her collar overnight and wandered down the street. She was really happy to see Cris, but she also seemed quite comfortable in her “accidental home.”

Unexpected Friendship Was Made

From that day on, Nala and her mom became very good friends with Julie and Jimmy. And, their dogs seemed to like being around each other, too!

Julie, Jimmy, Cris, Nala, and the rest of the dogs now make the pawfect gang, spending a lot of quality time together! Even though Cris and her partner moved to another home that’s no longer so close, they still manage to catch up with each other!

“Nala and her moms are almost moved into their new house, which is now nowhere near ours. I’m thrilled that Nala’s mom and the Johnsons are staying in touch! Nala is thriving in her new home,” Julie wrote.

I guess Nala’s one-time adventure wasn’t so bad after all, am I right?
