Shelter Workers Shocked To Find This Dog’s Favorite Sleeping Spot Is A Desk


When an adorable Pittie mix named Charlotte chose to sleep on a desk over her comfortable bed, the staff of the humane society she was a part of simply thought it was a silly little preference.

However, after some time, the staff realized that there was something that they missed when it came to Charlotte.

A Special Dog

the dog is lying on the table and looking at the camera
Source: Humane Society of Sarasota County

After arriving at the Humane Society of Sarasota County, Florida, back in February of 2021, Charlotte needed some time to settle in.

Since she had been rescued from poor living conditions, the staff didn’t think much of her bed choices. However, they were quite surprised when they found out that Charlotte simply ignored them.

But, this wasn’t the case at all!

the dog is lying on the table
Source: Humane Society of Sarasota County

Later on, they found out that Charlotte hadn’t been ignoring them at all – she was just hard of hearing.

Alissa Jackson, one of the staff members who spent a lot of time with Charlotte, saw her way of being on the desk as a very clever way of working with her hearing loss

When she was higher up, closer to the thing she was trying to hear, she could actually make out what was being said.

“I think she preferred the desk because she’s quirky and I believe she liked being higher up to potentially see over the cubicle to see people coming since she couldn’t hear them,” said Alissa.


Alissa immediately started to think of ways in order to help this pup. She thought that it would be best if Charlotte learned tricks not by hearing commands, but by seeing hand gestures.

the woman trains the dog, he sits and watches
Source: Humane Society of Sarasota County

In no time, Charlotte learned how to do tricks such as ‘Sit’, ‘Place’, and ‘Flee’ simply by looking at hand signs.  

Sometime later, the humane society told Charlotte’s story on the local Sarasota County, Florida radio station.

Since her story was so inspiring, it did not take long for somebody to contact them, asking about this incredible little pup.

Laurie Hall, a woman who was also hard of hearing, was eager to meet the pup, and when she did, the two immediately clicked.

Forever Home

two smiling women take a picture with a white dog
Source: Humane Society of Sarasota County via The Dodo

Even after spending a few moments together, it was clear to everybody that these two were meant to be together.  

“She is the best, most lovable, calmest and smartest dog I have owned. It was our destiny to become a family,” said Laurie.

Charlotte, being surrounded by somebody who truly understands her, is now living her best life.

Spending time with her new family, and enjoying her daily walks and cuddles, Charlotte no longer has to climb on top of a desk in order to be involved in a conversation.

All she has to do now is simply look at her mom!
