Heartbroken Woman Reunites With Her Long Lost Dog After Years Apart


Imagine you get an email claiming someone found your dog and he’s now safe.

You’d be surprised, right? Thrilled and excited beyond every border, right?

Well, that’s normally the case. 

But, imagine Maile’s surprise when she got that same email. She was shocked… almost petrified!


Because it was said that her dog, Jazzy, was long gone, crossed the rainbow bridge some two years ago. 

Was this some kind of joke… because it wasn’t funny. 

Or, could it be true? Was Jazzy alive after all?

Maile had to check it with her own eyes. 

She never thought, not in a million years, the kind of surprise she would get that day. 

The Return Of The Fallen Hero

girl wearing cap and gown holding a dog
Source: The Dodo

To Maile, her Chihuahua, named Jazzy, was always the center of her world. Losing him was like taking a shot right in the middle of the heart. 

Ever since she noticed that energetic Chihuahua four years ago in the San Diego Humane Society, Maile knew that Jazzy would be her dog furever and ever. She completely ignored the “do not pet” sign, claiming her ownership over the tiny pooch.

“I came across my gorgeous girl, I stuck my hand in the cage, and she automatically walked right up to me, tail wagging, and put her head in my hand,” said Maile. “I started crying because I had found my dog!”

Two years passed by since Maile moved from California to Kansas. Unfortunately, Jazzy had to stay behind because Maile had zero free time, given the fact that she started a new, full-time job. A couple that was known for loving dogs gladly accepted Jazzy until Maile settled down. 

But, life sometimes makes plans we don’t like. Sometimes, it hits us so hard that we fall and never completely bounce back.

When Maile felt like it was time to bring Jazzy back now that she was in control of her new life, she couldn’t find a trace of his temporary owners. They ignored her every attempt to communicate with them. 

After six months of struggling, Maile’s boyfriend managed to find them and ask about Jazzy. They wanted her back, desperately. 

“The lady told him she had died three months prior,” Trist said. “About a year and half went by, and lots and lots of grieving. I felt horrible for ever giving her to them because I thought I wasn’t there for her last moments.”

Needless to say, Maile was shattered into pieces. 

dog named jazzy sleeping
Source: The Dodo

Fast-forward a bit in the future and we come to the fall of 2022… the day when Maile got the email. 

Fortunately, Maile knew that Jazzy had been microchipped, so she could check if the said email was a joke or not. 

Can you imagine her surprise when the result showed up and it was really her little Jazzy?

“I automatically headed home from my job and got in the car and headed to her,” Maile said. “I was crying on and off the whole way there, which was almost a three-hour drive. I couldn’t believe she was still alive and I had no idea how she ended up that far away, but in those moments, I did not care.”

During her drive there, Maile was also paralyzed with one thought: Will Jazzy forgive her for leaving her with those people? Will she still greet her like an old friend?

woman holding dog jazzy on her shoulder
Source: The Dodo

“She kind of went to sniff around, but came right back to me and gave me even more kisses,” Maile said. “She would not leave my lap or my arms the whole car ride home, either.”

Fortunately, the reunion went smoothly. Maile was reunited with her old best friend and they both couldn’t be happier. It seemed like Jazzy knew that it wasn’t Maile’s fault that she was left at a shelter in Kansas. 

Dogs really sense who’s good and who’s bad.

Jazzy’s way back to Maile was a rocky road… Literally.

The then 11-year-old Chihuahua lady was found in a rock quarry in Cedar Vale, Kansas. No one knows what the poor dog went through. I’m guessing she went on and beyond, trying to find her way back to her dear Maile. 

Now that Maile has a good job and a good life, she can take good care of Jazzy and give her the best golden years possible. 

close-up photo of jazzy dog standing
Source: The Dodo

Jazzy is an older dog. She’s starting to feel it in her bones. Getting back with Maile was the best thing that could have happened to her at that sensitive age.

Our senior dogs need us more than ever. If your dog is no longer active like he was before, or if he has been feeling ill, don’t abandon him just because he’s old. This is one of the most delicate life periods for every dog.

Senior dogs need love and understanding. Unfortunately, we’re witnesses that older dogs get surrendered to shelters all the time just because they’re old. 

We must put our feet down and raise awareness that every dog, no matter how old he is, deserves a loving family.
