This Stray Labrador Stays True To Her German Shepherd Buddy Until The End


A dog is a man’s best friend, there’s no doubt about that, but it can be an amazing buddy to another pooch as well.

These wonderful animals can create strong bonds as well, just like the two doggos from California that refused to separate, even for a second.

Unfortunately, it turned out that all that time, they were saying their final goodbyes to each other.

A Struggle To Survive

two stray dogs near the railroad tracks
Source: Hope For Paws – Official Rescue Channel

Carolina Morales, a California woman who has been feeding two stray canines for more than four years, reached Hope For Paws in hope that they would help these pooches, as she noticed one of them was not feeling well.

The dogs spent their days near the railroad tracks in the industrial part of the town, which was rather unsafe, loud, and busy during the weekdays.

Carolina did her best to keep these two furry buddies alive, but before she called the rescuers, she knew her actions were no longer enough.

The rescuers knew it wouldn’t be easy to get near the dogs considering that they haven’t had any direct contact with humans for more than four years.

That is why they put up soccer nets on the ends of the block where the dogs were at the moment of capture, as seen in the video.

woman standing beside soccer nets in front of stray dogs
Source: Hope For Paws – Official Rescue Channel

Labrador (Roxy) was desperately trying to find a way to escape and her German Shepherd friend just followed her. Although they knew there was no way to get out, the pooches didn’t lose hope.

After some time, one of the rescuers managed to catch the Lab, but she was showing fierce resistance, which is why they had to use several snares to get control over her.

woman trying to rescue stray dog puts leash on it
Source: Hope For Paws – Official Rescue Channel

Getting Roxy into a crate wasn’t any easier either, which is why they had to tie the snare to the Lucky Leash and ensure the dog didn’t bite any of the rescuers.

The GSD didn’t take as long to be caught, but she was completely terrified. Chloe, the German Shepherd pup, was so scared that she even pooped and shook so much she could barely stand on her feet.

woman rescues stray dog puts leash on him
Source: Hope For Paws – Official Rescue Channel

Time To Say Goodbye

The rescue volunteers took both pooches to the Hope For Paws center, and they watched them get used to it pretty quickly. 

One of the volunteers guessed that they probably sensed “the positive energy at the Hope For Paws spa”.

After warm baths and lots of food and cuddles, the two furry buddies were off to a vet.

golden retriever and german shepherd dog rescued from street
Source: Hope For Paws – Official Rescue Channel

Although everyone was aware of the fact that these pooches aren’t in a very good state, no one could think that Chloe had life-threatening conditions like an aortic aneurysm and congestive heart failure.

It was more than obvious that Chloe wouldn’t be able to make it, as her body was already tired from starvation, fleas, ticks, and years of neglect.

The two friends had to separate this time, and Roxy was completely heartbroken, as it was the first time in years she was left alone.

Fortunately, the staff from The Little Red Dog took Roxy in, not only to foster, but offer her comfort during the most difficult times of her life.

Roxy seems to be still available for adoption, according to The Little Red Dog’s website, but I’m sure it won’t stay that way for a long time, considering how wonderful she is.

two puppies walking toward a man
Source: The Little Red Dog
