The Internet Cried Over This Owner Giving Her Dog The Best Last Day Ever


I will ask you one thing, and I won’t babble too much because the story you’re about to read, and the video featuring Kane, the dog, left me in tears for days.

Ready for the question?

If you knew when your dog’s last day was, what would you do to make it memorable?

Sure, making it memorable doesn’t sound quite right, but it is a way of dealing with the loss and processing the grief that’s about to hit the family.

Kane, the sugary-sweet Pitbull Mastiff mix, got to say goodbye to his owner the best way possible.

She made him feel like a king, and did everything nice that you could imagine, just to show her dear Kane how much he meant to her.

Trying To Make The Goodbye Easier

dog dying
Source: TikTok

Niyah Belmont, the young Alabama-based esthetician, recently experienced a loss that hit her hard. Her beloved dog, Kane, the Pitbull-Mastiff mix, was diagnosed with a fast-spreading tumor. It was the end of an era everyone was afraid of. 

No one wants to see their dog suffer, and Kane was in pain. He didn’t have much time left, and Niyah didn’t want the rest of it to go by in terrible pain and suffering. So, Niyah agreed with their vet. The best decision was to put Kane to sleep forever so he wouldn’t suffer anymore. 

Niyah dreaded the fast-approaching day. How do you say goodbye to your one true friend? Can you ever recover from it? 

And, that’s when it hit her: she would make Kane’s last day on Earth filled with happiness. 

Niyah decided to make the entire day special for Kane by doing all the things he loved.

The morning started with making Kane a special breakfast: scrambled eggs and bacon… Kane’s favorite! 

dog eats breakfast
Source: TikTok

Then, they went together to PetCo and bought a bunch of treats…

dog treats
Source: TikTok

…including a pup cup!

dog with pup cup and kali
Source: TikTok

And, Kane even got to try chocolate for the first time!

dog and a lollipop
Source: TikTok

To have something to remember Kane by, Niyah decided to put her crafty side to good use. So, she created some paw prints with Kane’s paw to keep them next to her all the time. 

Kane was such a good boy the entire day. He deserved some ice cream. 

sick dog
Source: TikTok

Unfortunately, the day couldn’t last forever. It was time for Kane’s last ride and to say goodbye. 

dog laying still
Source: TikTok

That was the longest ride in her life. Kane crossed the rainbow bridge peacefully, knowing that nothing on the other side would hurt him anymore. He was Niyah’s friend for thirteen years. 

Although Kane’s heartbreaking end left a big hole in Niyah’s heart, she’ll always remember him as the dog that brought her so many wonderful memories. At least she can say she did everything in her power to make this ol’ pal happy.


i’ll miss my pup… 2009-2022 ❤️ have fun in puppy heaven!! #dogsoftiktok #dogtok #dogslastday

♬ Stuff We Did (From “Up”) – Mark Northam
