A Sad Dog Who Spent His Life Chained Up Now Enjoys Running On The Beach


No dog should ever spend their life tied to a chain outside without any joy in life. Dogs are kind and loving animals who can be our best friends if we let them.

However, not everyone feels this way, unfortunately. Some people will keep them simply for guarding and for no other reason. They are used by their owners, and nothing else.

In this story, we will talk about a dog who was tied up for many years before being rescued.

A Desperate Cry For Help

close-up photo of a sad dog
Source: The Dodo

When an animal rescuer, Holly, first saw Halo, who had been tied up in a very awful place in Hawaii, she was shocked by his state.

They had decided to rescue the poor dog before he had to suffer any longer in those conditions.

Apparently, it was revealed to her that he had spent 5 years like that without ever being set loose.

Halo seemed to love the attention he received from people, as he was desperate to be saved. His rescuers couldn’t be happier now that he would get a new chance to live his life.

Holly told The Dodo: When we opened the door to leave the property, he peed on the door and it was just kind of like, see you later.

small dog on a leash
Source: The Dodo

When they got him in their car, he was really confused and a bit frantic, which was normal, given he was in a completely different situation for the first time in his life.

Halo Has Finally Found His Home

photo of a woman and a dog
Source: The Dodo

When Holly took Halo to her house in Hawaii, he was really anxious and didn’t know what to do. She believed that it was going to be a bit hard finding a foster for him.

The dog first needed time to decompress and adapt to his new environment before he could go into foster care.

Holly introduced him to her other dogs and Halo managed to relax after a few days of being in her care.

She said: It was so cute because Bonzai, my other dog, really took him under his wing and was showing him how to be a real dog.

dog named halo at the beach
Source: The Dodo

The two quickly became friends, and they would play together almost all the time. Holly was so happy to see them get along so well.

As time went on, she realized that Halo belonged with her. She continued by saying: And then of course, as I always do, I got attached. I’m a terrible foster failure.

He also realized that he loved his new life, so he learned to enjoy everything it has to offer. One of his favorite activities is running on the beach with his family.

It’s so heartwarming to see the family together, and even more so now that Halo is finally happy.
