Cat Keeps Kissing And Comforting Her Big Dog Brother During Seizures


While many claim that cats and dogs are bitter enemies, Baron and Alvin are here to prove those statements wrong!

This German Shepherd and his cat sibling break down all the stereotypes, as it is because of who they are that makes them such a great couple!

Despite their size differences, Alvin, the cat, acts like a big brother and makes sure his German Shepherd buddy is always safe and comforted.

This wonderful duo really takes their relationship to another level, showing the world how intuitive, sweet, and caring cats and dogs can be!

A Friendship Like No Other

dog and cat chilling in the house
Source: Facebook

Baron and Alvin’s bond was instant. Eliza Collins, their mom, first adopted Alvin because she couldn’t have a dog where she lived. That turned out to be an amazing idea, as Alvin has always been kind of dog-like and super social.

When Baron came along as a puppy, Alvin was more than thrilled to welcome him to his home!

“They both have this even temperament, where, like Baron’s kind of lazy. Alvin, of course, is lazy – he’s a cat! They kinda just got along really well from the start… I think they understand each other,” Eliza told The Dodo.

cat kissing the dog
Source: Facebook

Alvin and Baron’s owners run a dog training business, Towse K9 Solutions, in Queen Creek, Arizona, and a lot of other canines are on the property, but the two always seem to be the happiest around each other.

They literally gravitate towards each other, living in their small microworld where there’s no one but themselves. 

“I don’t instigate it. I don’t tell them to be near each other. They just gravitate towards each other. I think what makes it work is he’s (Baron) kinda cat-like and Alvin’s dog-like. They are definitely friends. I think they trust each other at this point,” says Eliza.

What Alvin and Baron have is a unique, special relationship that comes once in a lifetime. For Eliza, their bond is a real treasure, especially due to the fact that they came to the point of being best buds all by themselves.

Through Thick And Thin, Always Standing By Each Other

The biggest breakthrough in their relationship was the period when Baron had very frequent seizures. One day, after he just had one and was still feeling a little weak, Alvin came up to him and started comforting him.

It was the sweetest grooming on the head ever, as if he was trying to say: “It’s okay, buddy. I got you!”

“Alvin came up to him and it’s almost like he’s just comforting him. It makes me wonder if he can sense something happened. It was really sweet seeing them do that,” says Eliza.

cat licking the dog
Source: Facebook

Ever since that day, Alvin has never stopped comforting his brother. 

Even today, now that he’s a senior dog, he still receives the warmest kisses on the head, and he just can’t get enough of them. There are moments when Baron himself comes up in front of Alvin, looking for a grooming session. 

Sure, they sometimes get a little feisty, but at the end of the day, it all ends the same way – grooming, kissing, and getting to bed together!

cat and dog laying on the floor
Source: Facebook

This wonderful duo is still doing great in their cozy Arizona home, and they have never been happier. With so many wonderful memories behind them, their bond has never been stronger

We hope that Baron and Alvin will spend many more years together, proving that dogs and cats can indeed coexist like the best friends in the world!

You can follow them on Facebook – Baron And The Cat – and keep up with their endless adventures!
